Hi there, I'm Mohammad Saqlain

- Currently working as a Software Engineer at Koderlabs
- In my spare time, I assist startup in product development and work on my own product ideas
- I specialize in MERN Stack projects.
const Saqlain = {
pronouns: 'He' | 'Him',
code: ['javascript', 'react js', 'node js'],
askMeAbout: ['web dev', 'tech', 'app dev'],
technologies: {
frontEnd: {
js: ['react', 'javascript'],
css: ['antd', 'mui', 'chakra-ui', 'bootstrap', 'tailwind'],
backEnd: {
js: ['node', 'express', 'nest'],
databases: ['mongo', 'MySql'],
mobileApp: ['react-native'],
architecture: [
'Progressive web applications',
'Single page applications',
'React Native Mobile Applications',
funFact: 'There are two ways to write error-free programs; only the third one works',