The main purpose is to provide a gentle introduction to new players, via a more beginner friendly interface, without having to be in-game to find certain information. It makes searching for specific information easier.
To visit the webpage, navigate to
The sole purpose of this project was to gain familiarity with a JS frontend framework such as Angular7 as well as consuming remote API resources. This project was completed in the first semester of my junior year (third semester in total as a computer science major)
From time to time, I clean up README files in my repositories as I work on projects and become better at both documentation and writing in general
- Gain new league versions from ddragon API automatically.
- Include information of items available in the game
- Better UI design
Clone the git repositorty via the following command git clone
and run the following command:
ng serve --o
. This will open your browser at http://localhost:4200/
Make sure angular cli has been downloaded prior to use the cli commands.