Policies, Configurations, and Documentation of NumFOCUS Managed Infrastructure
Interface for using cupy in xarray, providing convenience accessors.
Creates performance portable libraries with embedded source representations.
Scientific Python Ecosystem Coordination (SPEC) documents
Dump of Python/C API usage in the top 4000 Python packages
Modelling files related to the journal article titled "Rapid development and deployment of high-volume vaccines for pandemic response" published in the Journal of Advanced Manufacturing and Process…
A Deep Learning Framework for the Posit Number System
Statistics to better understand how python is used and written
Prepare content for surveys, and code/tools to analyze the results
Small hackish tool with a gui to create arabic script from transliteration used by xetex/arabtex. As arabxetex, it can do the hamzas correctly automatically, also it can switch between full, no suk…
scikit-learn: machine learning in Python
A computer algebra system written in pure Python
This is an advanced python interface for bots to run on FICS. It may be useful for interfaces as well, but this is not the primary goal and it would need some changes for it.