I'm Sam Pope — a passionate DevOps and Data Engineer who's always eager to explore new frontiers in AI, Machine Learning, and Data Engineering.
🔭 Currently Working On:
- FlowNote — an AI-Powered Note-Taking App originally built using Django and a locally fine-tuned GPT-2 Medium transformer. I’m in the process of restoring and refactoring FlowNote, migrating from BitBucket/Heroku over to GitHub for improved collaboration and visibility.
🌱 Currently Learning:
- Large Language Models (LLMs), MLOps, Databricks, Hadoop, and other emerging Data Engineering technologies.
- Best practices in container orchestration using Docker and Kubernetes for streamlined deployment processes.
- I’m always open to conversations around these tools — feel free to ask away.
📫 How to Reach Me:
- Email: samjacobpope@gmail.com
💬 Ask Me About:
- Anything Data-related. I love chatting about data pipelines, cloud solutions, big data platforms, or AI/ML projects.
(And more... I'm constantly adding new tools to my repertoire!)
Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to reach out or open an issue if you want to collaborate. I’m always looking for exciting new projects and opportunities to connect.