A memory safe implementation of sudo and su.
Insult users that mistype their password (quick prototype)
Controleer de zetelverdeling zoals die wordt vastgesteld na verkiezingen in Nederland
Abacus, software voor verkiezingsuitslagen en zetelverdeling
An implementation of bzip2 in pure rust
libbz2 (bzip2 compression) bindings for Rust
model-checking / verify-rust-std
Forked from rust-lang/rustVerifying the Rust standard library
Tool to detect secrets in source code management systems.
Algol 68 solutions for most of the problems in Advent of Code 2021
A tool to remove unused code from a Rust project.
Configurable implementation of the Twofish block cipher for AVR 8-bit microcontrollers (ATtiny, ATmega)
A verified, optimized implementation of X25519 for AVR microcontrollers
Generating lyrics using recurrent neural networks
A priliminary backend for Idris that compiles to Clean.
Vim plugin for Blackboard feedback files (see squell/bb-scripts).
"Edit" mp3 files with Vim, or rather, their ID3 tags
simavr is a lean, mean and hackable AVR simulator for linux & OSX
Micro controller simulator, written in D. Focusses on benchmarking algorithms