Welcome to Pika Engine! 🎉
Pika Engine 是个人独立开发的渲染引擎,旨在将我之所学付诸于实现。
现阶段的Pika Engine 已初步具备的2D引擎特征,Pika3D正在开发中...
- A GPU which support OpenGL 4.6
- Visual Studio 2022 (I used C++20)
Visual Studio 2022 is recommended, Pika is officially untested on other development environments whilst I focus on a Windows build.
Downloading the repository:
Start by cloning the repository:
git clone --recursive https://github.com/ssgaryss/Pika.git
If the repository was cloned non-recursively previously, use the following command to clone the necessary submodules:
git submodule update --init
Configuring the dependencies:
Run the Windows-GenProject.bat file found in scripts folder. This will build the project with VS2022.