Reed-Solomon code library. Project page is reachable at
- polynomial evaluation, addition, subtraction, multiplication, division and modulo operation
- simple Galois field elements addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, additive and multiplicative inverse computation
- extended Galois field elements addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, additive and multiplicative inverse computation
- Reed-Solomon code encoder
- Reed-Solomon code decoder (BMA algorithm)
- support for Galois fields with different characteristic than 2
#include <rslib/polynomial.h> #include <rslib/simplefield.h> #include <rslib/simplefieldelement.h> #include <rslib/extendedfield.h> #include <rslib/extendedfieldelement.h> #include <rslib/encoder.h> #include <rslib/bmadecoder.h> ... using namespace rslib; // create field GF(3) SimpleField GF3 = SimpleField(3); // create generator polynomial for field GF(9) // generator(x) = x^2 + x + 2 Polynomial<SimpleFieldElement> generator = Polynomial<SimpleFieldElement>({ SimpleFieldElement(2, GF3), SimpleFieldElement(1, GF3), SimpleFieldElement(1, GF3)}); // create field GF(9) ExtendedField GF9 = ExtendedField(generator); // create encoder for code RS(8, 4) - this code can repair 2 errors, // length of codeword is 8 and there are 4 information elements // and 4 redundant elements Encoder encoder(2, GF9); // create some information polynomial Polynomial<ExtendedFieldElement> information = Polynomial<ExtendedFieldElement>({ ExtendedFieldElement(4, GF9), ExtendedFieldElement(3, GF9), ExtendedFieldElement(6, GF9), ExtendedFieldElement(2, GF9)}); // information polynomial // [A^3,A^2,A^5,A,] std::cout << information << '\n'; // encode information polynomial Polynomial<ExtendedFieldElement> codeword = encoder.encode(information); // codeword // [0,A,A^6,A,A^3,A^2,A^5,A,] std::cout << codeword << '\n'; // change two positions in codeword so there are 2 errors added Polynomial<ExtendedFieldElement> receivedWord(codeword); receivedWord.setValue(5, ExtendedFieldElement(5, GF9)); receivedWord.setValue(7, ExtendedFieldElement(1, GF9)); // received word (notice elements at two positions are different than in codeword) // [0,A,A^6,A,A^3,A^4,A^5,1,] std::cout << receivedWord << '\n'; // create decoder for code RS(8, 4) BMADecoder decoder(2, GF9); // decode code word - 2 errors are corrected and information extracted // from received word is the same as the original information // [A^3,A^2,A^5,A,] std::cout << decoder.decode(receivedWord) << '\n';
Clone repository:
git clone
Create build directory:
mkdir build cd build
Run cmake
cmake ../rslib
Build project:
Install project - that will install static library and headers on your system:
sudo make install
Include headers in your program and link against librslib
. To compile the project
use C++11 standard.
Unit tests are placed in directory tests
The pattern for test filename is *
Build project and do all checks (all-in-one):
Run all unit tests:
make test
Run only tests which name match filter (example filter will make testrunner to run
only Polynomial
class tests):
make test ARGS="--gtest_filter=Polynomial.*"
make lint
To run memory check tests you need Valgrind.
Check for memory leaks with Valgrind (it runs Valgrind on unit test runner process):
make memcheck
To build documentation you need Doxygen.
Generate documentation and check if there is some not documented code:
make doc
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