We define several functions to do a kernel-based ridge regression, and subsequent cross-validation. This is a technique for general non-linear regression using kernels. A complete treatment of the theory behind this can be found in Hastie, Tibshirani and Friedman (2016), specifically section 5.8. A linear kernel can be used for a generalized kernel-based linear regression. However, kernels that fit nonlinear functions in feature space are maps to a linear function in Hilbert space, hence the name of the function klm
. The only dependency is :
available in CRAN.
Please consult the kernlab
manual to become
familiar with this package, and available kernels it provides.
Suppose we have a dataset with n observations, k descriptors and 1 response
variable. Then we have an n x 1 response vector, Y
and an n x k descriptor
matrix, X
. It is recommended that X
be normalized by column (by descriptor) and Y
be shifted by its mean.
For a given kernel, we refer to the n x n kernel matrix as G
klm(G, y, lambda)
- the n x n kernel matrixy
- the n x 1 response vectorlambda
- a meta-parameter, scale factor. Values too large will result in robust models at the expense of predictive performance. Values too small will result in overfitting (or error in computation if extremely small).
Outputs a named list, which can be referenced with usual $
, containing:
- the solution matrix$b
- a constant added to each variable, often referred to to b0 in standard linear models. It is calculated as the negative mean ofG
- the vector of predicted response values on the training data.$err
- the vector of errors of the predicted values.$mse
- the mean squared error.$G
- returns originalG
predict.klm(G, test_samp, train_model)
- the n x n kernel matrixtest_samp
- the indices of the columns ofG
that will act as the test set.train_model
- trainedklm
, trained on the training set.
Outputs a vector consisting of the predicted values of the test set. One random partition is used and all partitions are exhausted.
Perform cross-validation on klm
cv.klm(G, y, lambda, cv=5)
- the n x n kernel matrixy
- the n x 1 response vectorlambda
- a meta-parameter, scale factor. Values too large will result incv
- number of cross validation "folds". For "leave one out" set to'LOOCV'
or the size of data set.
Outputs a named list, which can be referenced with usual $
, containing:
- list of training set mean squared errors, for each "fold".$test_mse
- list of test set mean squared errors, for each "fold".$train_rse
- square root oftrain_mse
- square root oftest_mse
- a list containingcv
number of lists, each the predicted values for each fold.$test_sd
- standard deviation oftest_rse
Perform monte-carlo cross-validation on klm
. A new random partition is
generated with each fold. Observations can be used multiple times, and some
observations may not be used.
mccv.klm(G, y, lambda, cv=5)
- the n x n kernel matrixy
- the n x 1 response vectorlambda
- a meta-parameter, scale factor. Values too large will result incv
- number of cross validation "folds". For "leave one out" set to'LOOCV'
or the size of data set.
Outputs a named list, which can be referenced with usual $
, containing:
- list of training set mean squared errors, for each "fold".$test_mse
- list of test set mean squared errors, for each "fold".$train_rse
- square root oftrain_mse
- square root oftest_mse
- a list containingcv
number of lists, each the predicted values for each fold.$test_sd
- standard deviation oftest_rse
Iterates klm
method over possible values of gamma
to find the best
performing one, based on test-set performance with cv
or mccv
find_best_gamma(X, y, gammas, cv=5, lambda=1 , scale=FALSE, scale_lam=0.1, cv_type="cv")
- the original predictor matrix (not kernel matrix).y
- the n x 1 response vector.gammas
- list of values of gamma to be iterated over.cv
- number of cross validation "folds" for each iteration. For "leave one out" set to 'LOOCV' or the size of data set.lambda
- global value to be used for all iterations, if notscale
- boolean, if TRUE (default), a newlambda
is choosen during each iteration, as a percentage of the largest eigenvalue of the kernel matrix.scale_lam
- percentage of largest eigenvalue to be used aslambda
on each iteration.cv_type
(default) or'mccv'
Outputs a named list, which can be referenced with usual $
, containing:
- list of the mean training mse for eachgamma
- list of the mean test mse for eachgamma
- test set mse for bestgamma
- mean standard deviation of bestgamma
- bestgamma
, with minimum test set prediction error.$best_rse
- mean test setrse
for bestgamma
- list of mean training setrse
for eachgamma
- list of mean test setrse
for eachgamma
- list of mean test setsd
for eachgamma
Iterates klm
method over possible values of lambda
, while fixing gamma
, to find the best
performing one, based on test-set performance with cv
or mccv
find_best_lambda(X, y, lambdas, cv=5, gamma=1 , cv_type="cv")
- the original predictor matrix (not kernel matrix).y
- the n x 1 response vector.lambdas
- list of values oflambda
to be iterated over.cv
- number of cross validation "folds" for each iteration. For "leave one out" set to 'LOOCV' or the size of data set.gamma
- global value to fixgamma
(default) or'mccv'
Outputs a named list, which can be referenced with usual $
, containing:
- list of the mean training mse for eachlambda
- list of the mean test mse for eachlambda
- test set mse for bestlambda
- mean standard deviation of bestlambda
- bestlambda
, with minimum test set prediction error.$best_rse
- mean test setrse
for bestlambda
- list of mean training setrse
for eachlambda
- list of mean test setrse
for eachlambda
- list of mean test setsd
for eachlambda
X <- scale(bp.obese$obese)
y <- bp.obese$bp - mean(bp.obese$bp)
## Save ridge.R in pwd and include with source("filename")
gammas <- c(0.00001, 0.0001, 0.001,
0.005, 0.01, 0.05,
0.1, 0.5, 2,
5, 10, 50, 100, 1000)
ptm <- proc.time()
best <- find_best_gamma(X, y, gammas, cv=20, lambda=lambda)
## Vector containing mean training-set mse's for each gamma
print("$train: ")
## Vector containing mean test-set mse's for each gamma
print("$test: ")
## Vector containing mean test mse's for each gamma
print("$best_mse: ")
## Vector containing mean test rse=sqrt(mse) for each gamma
print("$test_rse: ")
## To get list of normalized test performance errors
print("Normalized performance errors: ")
## Mean test-set rse for best gamma
print("$best_rse: ")
## To get performance of best gamma
print("Best normalized performance error: ")
## Vector containing mean sd for each gamma
print("$test_sd: ")
## Sd of best gamma
print("$best_sd: ")
## Best gamma
print("Best gamma: ")
proc.time() - ptm
Hastie Trevor, Tibshirani Robert and Friedman Jerome. 2016. The Elements of Statistical Learning: Data mining, Inference and Prediction, Second Edition (Springer Series in Statistics). Springer.