ct or CurrenTo, is an abbreviation of "change Current directory To".
This packages was first made for self-use, but i think it'll easier to install
if i put it on the aur. So, why don't i just publish it.
currento enhance your directory navigation with adding some features that shouldn't
be inside the basic 'cd' command.
Here they are: \
cd History
cd -h
cd into the last Directory you visited
cd -
faster cd into the most point directory on history example:
#~/.config/currento/history 5 /home/name/dotfiles 8 /home/name/dotman 3 /home/name/doteams
so whenever you do:
cd dot
you'll be cd'd into the /home/name/dotman because it has the most point
Manual Installation
git clone https://github.com/veillain/currento
cd currento
sudo cp -rf currento /usr/bin/
echo -e "\nsource /usr/bin/currento"
Archlinux - AUR
paru -S currento