A simple tool for visually comparing two PDF files
Gradle plugin that makes it easy to work with JavaFX 11+
Projects specific to integrating Micronaut and Amazon Web Services (AWS)
Integration between Micronaut and Reactor
Projects that enhance the Micronaut + Groovy experience
Repository for Test Related Utilities for Micronaut
The official Micronaut security solution
Source code of the book Groovy in Action, 2nd edition
HTTP library to make it easy to deal with raw HTTP.
Java based open source static site/blog generator for developers & designers.
CLI tool to build, test, debug, and deploy Serverless applications using AWS SAM
Spreadsheet Builder
Micronaut Application Framework
The Enterprise-ready testing and specification framework.
Picocli is a modern framework for building powerful, user-friendly, GraalVM-enabled command line apps with ease. It supports colors, autocompletion, subcommands, and more. In 1 source file so apps …
Apache Groovy: A powerful multi-faceted programming language for the JVM platform
A companion to a talk on being Reactive at all layers of the stack
Sample used to practice Kotlin and Android Architecture Components.
Free monospaced font with programming ligatures
📥 Adds a download task to Gradle that displays progress information
Kafka implemented in Golang with built-in coordination (No ZK dep, single binary install, Cloud Native)
Allows to download Jython/Python modules from pypi
Customisable coding font with alternates, ligatures and contextual positioning. Crazy crisp at 12px/9pt.