Home Assistant Integration for devices supported by the Daikin Onecta App
Plugin for vim to enabling opening a file in a given line
tonsberg / tsoc
Forked from xim/tsocThe Smell of Coffee in the Morning
xim / pyroutes
Forked from pyroutes/pyroutesA really small framework for rapid development of small python web applications
xim / comics
Forked from jodal/comicscomics is a web comics aggregator
xim / nose
Forked from nose-devs/nosenose is nicer testing for python
Scrobble music videos all around the web!
Threaded view as default in roundcube webmail
Recieve logs using pyroutes, make graphs using bounceitbaby, return as image
A little experiment on creating some simple bounce diagram from log files
pyroutes / pyroutes
Forked from klette/pyroutesA really small framework for rapid development of small python web applications
Project for forwarding streams through a proxy with a web based frontend
Scrobble music all around the web!
A modular program for use with pycat/irccat and similar IRC bots
xim / pycat
Forked from adamcik/pycatSimplified irccat "clone" in python
A really small framework for rapid development of small python web applications