Next-Gen Stealer written in Go. Stealing from Discord, Chromium-Based & Firefox-Based Browsers, Crypto Wallets and more, from every user on every disk. (PoC. For educational purposes only)
🔑 Open source stealer written in Go, all logs will be sent to Telegram bot.
Smart keylogging capability to steal SSH Credentials including password & Private Key
This tool is used for backdoor,shellcode generation,Information retrieval and POC arrangement for various architecture devices
An eBPF🐝 Keylogger with C2-based RCE payload delivery
RunAs Utility Credential Stealer implementing 3 techniques : Hooking CreateProcessWithLogonW, Smart Keylogging, Remote Debugging
Kernel DLL Injector using NX Bit Swapping and VAD hide for hiding injected DLL
X86 version of syswhispers2 / x86 direct system call
Complete list of LPE exploits for Windows (starting from 2023)
A set of fully-undetectable process injection techniques abusing Windows Thread Pools
Reaping treasures from strings in remote processes memory
PoC for a sleep obfuscation technique leveraging waitable timers to evade memory scanners.
Jormungandr is a kernel implementation of a COFF loader, allowing kernel developers to load and execute their COFFs in the kernel.
Injectly is a simple, self-hosted code injector app designed to streamline the process of managing and injecting scripts across multiple websites.
Injectra is a Python-based tool for injecting custom payloads into various file types using their magic numbers. It supports file types like zip, rar, docx, jpg, and more, allowing for customizable…
COM ViewLogger — new malware keylogging technique
Fully functional, from-scratch alternative to the Cobalt Strike Beacon (red teaming tool), offering transparency and flexibility for security professionals and enthusiasts.
Resolve the issue of DLLmain function in white and black DLLs hanging when calling shellcode
gsmith257-cyber / better-sliver
Forked from BishopFox/sliverAdversary Emulation Framework