Vite Backend Integration in a single file for Go web applications.
Use the following command:
go get
or just copy the contents of plugin.go
into your project.
Make sure that vite generates a manifest.json
package main
import (
func main() {
plugin, _ := viteplugin.New(viteplugin.PluginConfig{
FileSystem: os.DirFS("./dist"),
ManifestPath: ".vite/manifest.json", // relative to FileSystem
Prefix: "/static/", // optionally add a prefix for file URLs (has no effect in development mode)
DevMode: false,
DevURL: "http://localhost:5173",
DevEntry: "main.ts",
// iterate over entrypoints
for _, chunk := range plugin.EntryPoints {
html, err := plugin.RawHTML(chunk)
// or access specific ones
html, err := plugin.RawHTML(plugin.EntryPoints["main.ts"])