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Write once run everywhere,iOS Android and Web We know you don't want a complicated project, what you want is a collection of samples based on cutting-edge technologies.Your happy use is my goal!

Demo Products

Architecture principles

Type Safety

Critical bugs reported during the application runtime. Most of the time the bug involved calling a function with wrong parameters.

Although it can be solved by rigorous unit tests, but let's face it, we can not assure 100% test coverage and even then 100% cases being considered.

So, it can turn out to be a million-dollar mistake. When I switched to TypeScript from plain Javascript then this problem got resolved.

Simple Deployability

Tech Stack

  • React Native,
  • Typescript,
  • Redux,
  • Expo,
  • Firbase
  • Next.js for web deploying


1.Don’t repeat yourself (DRY)

2.Do one thing (DOT) (from Unix philosophy)

3.Separation of concerns

4.The principle of the least knowledge (Law of Demeter)

Next.js Deploying
Google Email Auth
Firebase OTP Auth
Firebase Auth
Firebase Google Auth
Firebase Facebook Auth
React Redux Firebase
JWT Auth
Theme Changing
React Native Vector Icons
React Navigation (Stack,Tab,Drawer,Nested,Route Params)
Redux Thunk
React Native Web
Push Notification
React Native Components All In One
RESTFul Server
Https localhost Self Signed Certification


Dependency Version Tips
Node.js v15.0.1 You'd better to use NVM, it firmly helps you to keep different versions of Node.js
expo 41.0.0

Javascript version

If not Typescript,just use Javascript


Online Simples

Expo online deployed stable

Web Next.js online deployed stable

Web Next.js online deployed latest

Test Account:


password: testtest


App iOS for simulator stable

gunzip -c expo-react-bunny-9ed62349-af09-4cf9-8a33-d52cdd3c01a4-simulator.tar.gz | tar xopf -
// start your simulator first
xcrun simctl install booted ./
xcrun simctl launch booted com.zrwusa.expo-react-bunny

App Android apk stable

// start your emulator
// drag the downloaded apk file to emulator

Installation & Dev


For Expo

// with yarn
yarn dev

// with npm
npm install
npm dev


Mock server

// with yarn
yarn mock

// with npm
npm run mock

BackEnd server

We also provide a standard Typescript Express backend. Typescript + Express + Docker + Postgres + MongoDB + Redis + Nginx + Swagger + Prom-client RESTFul server

Local web server

yarn build:web
yarn web:serve

For design-based adaptive development

Just configure the dimensions size used by the designer, "size-labor" provider will automatically be compatible different devices


"UE": { "dimensions": { "DesignName": { "width": 360, "height": 640 } ... } }

in your pages or styles

    const {designsBasedOn} = sizeLabor;
    const {wp} = designsBasedOn.iphoneX;
    <View style={{width:wp(100),height:wp(100)}}></View>

ms: measure util defined sizes for styles(recommend use this to keep consistency)

wp: width to DP based on your designs

hp: height to DP based on your designs

You can define multiple design configurations, because your designs are often not designed by the same designer

For Firebase & Google API

Create a .env file at project root path

---.env start

GOOGLE_API_KEY=xxxxxxxxxxxxx_xxxxxxx_xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx FACEBOOK_APP_ID=1111111111111111

FIREBASE_PROJECT_ID=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx FIREBASE_DATABASE_URL= FIREBASE_APP_ID_IOS=1:111111111111:ios:xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx FIREBASE_APP_ID_WEB=1:111111111111:web:xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx FIREBASE_APP_ID_ANDROID=1:111111111111:android:xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx FIREBASE_MESSAGING_SENDER_ID=111111111111 FIREBASE_MEASUREMENT_ID=G-XXXXXXXXXX

---.env end

Download your GoogleService-Info.plist for iOS from your Firebase Console to project root path

Download your google-services.json for Android from your Firebase Console to project root path

For Next.js

// with npm
npm install
npm next

// with yarn
yarn next


1."Premature optimization is the root of all evil (or at least most of it) in programming."--— Donald Knuth, “Computer Programming as an Art” (1974).

2."The remaining 10 percent of the code accounts for the other 90 percent of the development time."--— Tom Cargill, Bell Labs.

Javascript IIFEs to encapsulate some code within a local scope so that variables declared in it do not leak to the global scope.

Architecture benefits

Architecture is necessary to save time during the development process, to maintain the system’s testability and extensibility over a long development period.

If our project is even 50% cheaper to maintain than it could be without a good architecture — it will save developers’ time and customer’s profit. Building a good and clear architecture from the start of the project gives you the following benefits:

1.costs:cheaper code maintenance (less time is required and cheaper financial costs);

2.test:simplification of code testing (you will need fewer testers and have fewer missed “production bugs”);

3.developer:easier to involve new developers into the project.


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