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🧰 AstroCore

AstroCore provides the core Lua API that powers AstroNvim. It provides an interface for configuration auto commands, user commands, on_key functions, key mappings, and more as well as a Lua API of common utility functions.

✨ Features

  • Unified interface for configuring auto commands, user commands, key maps, on key functions
  • Easy toggles of UI/UX elements and features
  • Universal interface for setting up git worktrees
  • Tab local buffer management for a clean tabline
  • Project root detection with automatic cd features
  • Session management with resession.nvim

⚡️ Requirements

📦 Installation

Install the plugin with the lazy plugin manager:

return {
  lazy = false, -- disable lazy loading
  priority = 10000, -- load AstroCore first
  opts = {
    -- set configuration options  as described below

💡 If you want to enable session management with resession.nvim, enable it in the setup:

require("resession").setup {
  extensions = {
    astrocore = {},

⚙️ Configuration

AstroCore comes with no defaults, but can be configured fully through the opts table in lazy. Here are descriptions of the options and some example usages:

---@type AstroCoreConfig
local opts = {
  -- easily configure auto commands
  autocmds = {
    -- first key is the `augroup` (:h augroup)
    highlighturl = {
      -- list of auto commands to set
        -- events to trigger
        event = { "VimEnter", "FileType", "BufEnter", "WinEnter" },
        -- the rest of the autocmd options (:h nvim_create_autocmd)
        desc = "URL Highlighting",
        callback = function() require("astrocore").set_url_match() end,
  -- easily configure user commands
  commands = {
    -- key is the command name
    AstroReload = {
      -- first element with no key is the command (string or function)
      function() require("astrocore").reload() end,
      -- the rest are options for creating user commands (:h nvim_create_user_command)
      desc = "Reload AstroNvim (Experimental)",
  -- Configure diagnostics options (`:h vim.diagnostic.config()`)
  diagnostics = {
    update_in_insert = false,
  -- passed to `vim.filetype.add`
  filetypes = {
    -- see `:h vim.filetype.add` for usage
    extension = {
      foo = "fooscript",
    filename = {
      [".foorc"] = "fooscript",
    pattern = {
      [".*/etc/foo/.*"] = "fooscript",
  -- Configuration of vim mappings to create
  mappings = {
    -- map mode (:h map-modes)
    n = {
      -- use vimscript strings for mappings
      ["<C-s>"] = { ":w!<cr>", desc = "Save File" },
      -- navigate buffer tabs with `H` and `L`
      L = {
        function() require("astrocore.buffer").nav(vim.v.count1) end,
        desc = "Next buffer",
      H = {
        function() require("astrocore.buffer").nav(-vim.v.count1) end,
        desc = "Previous buffer",
      -- tables with just a `desc` key will be registered with which-key if it's installed
      -- this is useful for naming menus
      ["<leader>b"] = { desc = "Buffers" },
  -- easily configure functions on key press
  on_keys = {
    -- first key is the namespace
    auto_hlsearch = {
      -- list of functions to execute on key press (:h vim.on_key)
      function(char) -- example automatically disables `hlsearch` when not actively searching
        if vim.fn.mode() == "n" then
          local new_hlsearch = vim.tbl_contains({ "<CR>", "n", "N", "*", "#", "?", "/" }, vim.fn.keytrans(char))
          if vim.opt.hlsearch:get() ~= new_hlsearch then vim.opt.hlsearch = new_hlsearch end
  -- easily configure vim options
  options = {
    -- first key is the type of option `vim.<first_key>`
    opt = {
      relativenumber = true, -- sets `vim.opt.relativenumber`
      signcolumn = "auto", -- sets `vim.opt.relativenumber`
    g = {
      -- set global `vim.g` settings here
  -- configure AstroNvim features
  features = {
    autopairs = true, -- enable or disable autopairs on start
    cmp = true, -- enable or disable cmp on start
    diagnostics = { virtual_text = true, virtual_lines = false }, -- enable or disable diagnostics features on start
    highlighturl = true, -- enable or disable highlighting of urls on start
    -- table for defining the size of the max file for all features, above these limits we disable features like treesitter.
    large_buf = {
      -- whether to enable large file detection for a buffer (must return false to disable)
      -- first parameter is the buffer number, the second is the large buffer configuration table
      -- return values:
      --   - `true` or `nil` to continue and respects all changes made to the large buffer configuration table
      --   - `false` to disable large file detection for the buffer
      --   - a new table of large buffer options to use instead of the defaults
      enabled = function(bufnr, config) end,
      notify = true, -- whether or not to display a notification when a large file is detected
      size = 1024 * 100, -- max file size (or false to disable check)
      lines = 10000, -- max number of lines (or false to disable check)
      line_length = 1000, -- average line length (or false to disable check)
    notifications = true, -- enable or disable notifications on start
  -- Enable git integration for detached worktrees
  git_worktrees = {
    { toplevel = vim.env.HOME, gitdir = vim.env.HOME .. "/.dotfiles" },
  -- Configure project root detection, check status with `:AstroRootInfo`
  rooter = {
    -- list of detectors in order of prevalence, elements can be:
    --   "lsp" : lsp detection
    --   string[] : a list of directory patterns to look for
    --   fun(bufnr: integer): string|string[] : a function that takes a buffer number and outputs detected roots
    detector = {
      "lsp", -- highest priority is getting workspace from running language servers
      { ".git", "_darcs", ".hg", ".bzr", ".svn" }, -- next check for a version controlled parent directory
      { "lua", "MakeFile", "package.json" }, -- lastly check for known project root files
    -- ignore things from root detection
    ignore = {
      servers = {}, -- list of language server names to ignore (Ex. { "efm" })
      dirs = {}, -- list of directory patterns (Ex. { "~/.cargo/*" })
    -- automatically update working directory (update manually with `:AstroRoot`)
    autochdir = false,
    -- scope of working directory to change ("global"|"tab"|"win")
    scope = "global",
    -- show notification on every working directory change
    notify = false,
  -- Configuration table of session options for AstroNvim's session management powered by Resession
  sessions = {
    -- Configure auto saving
    autosave = {
      last = true, -- auto save last session
      cwd = true, -- auto save session for each working directory
    -- Patterns to ignore when saving sessions
    ignore = {
      dirs = {}, -- working directories to ignore sessions in
      filetypes = { "gitcommit", "gitrebase" }, -- filetypes to ignore sessions
      buftypes = {}, -- buffer types to ignore sessions


AstroCore provides a Lua API with utility functions. This can be viewed with :h astrocore or in the repository at doc/

🚀 Contributing

If you plan to contribute, please check the contribution guidelines first.