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HI! These are my .files.

I like minimalistic GUIs as well as knowing exacly what and how im using the applications, I also don`t like bloatware as such I keep programs I use to a minimum and most of them are customized.


The theme i use is Bright Bit


Applications Overview

This system is built on NixOS, and uses the following applications.

Core System

  • Nix - Declarative package manager and system configuration tool.
  • Home-Manager - Manages user-level configurations through Nix.
  • I3 - Window Manager
  • EWW - Custom status Bar

Productivity and Utilities

Development Tools

  • NeoVim - Primary text editor.
  • Tmux - Terminal multiplexer.
  • LF - File Manager.

For more info and what applications I`m using you can checkout the individual modules. And feel free to take what you want and use them as you need. Have fun!

Files and Folders

Folder Description
Assets Assets used (backgrounds and icons)
Home-Manager Configuration files for Home-Manager( user level)
NixOs NixOs configuration files
Dev templates Custom development templates
Lib Custom nix functions

Installing & configuring

  1. Notes and Pre-requesits

    • git is necessary to install these dotfiles, you can use nix-shell -p git for a temporary install
  2. Clone the Repository

    git clone https://your-repo-url.git
    cd your-repo-folder
  1. Set Up the System Profile

Open the flake.nix file in your preferred text editor.

Add a system profile from ./nixos/profiles/. Use the following line, replacing profile with the name of your profile (i.e., the file name without extension):

    nixosConfigurations.profile = mkSystem system ./nixos/profiles/profile;
  1. Install the System Configuration

Run the following command to apply the system configuration:

    sudo nixos-rebuild switch --flake .#profile
  1. Set Up the User Configuration

Open flake.nix again, and add the user configuration from ./home-manager/profiles/.

Add the following line, replacing profile with your profile name:

    homeConfigurations.profile = mkHome system ./home-manager/profiles/profile;
  1. Install the User Configuration

Apply the user configuration by running:

home-manager switch --flake .#profile


One half

Bright Bit

Rofi theme is rounded with custom colors

The eww bar with custom colors