This repository contains the materials and some information regarding the Deep Learning in NLP Summer School (DLinNLP 2019). The summer school will be held as part of the Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing (RANLP 2019) conference on 29 and 30 August 2019 in Varna, Bulgaria.
The summer school four main keynote speeches plus three practical sessions. The programme for the summer school can be found here. The links to the slides are being added to the programme after each talk.
You can find the link to code and data for practical sessions in their correponding folders, Session-1A, Session-2A and Session-2B.
For the practical sessions, participants are expected to bring their own laptops, connect to Google Colaboratory using their Gmail accounts and work on the code and instructions provided by the presenters. For more information about Google Colaboratory tool, see this link.
Please have a look at the Frequently asked questions (FAQ) for the summer school.
For instructions on how to use Google Colab along with Google Drive have a look at this page.
Last but not least, in order to prepare for the sessions, you might want to have a look at the preparatory material.