PHP implementation of json_encode/decode for PHP 7.2 and higher. This library works with and without quoted keys.
This package provides a simple encoder and decoder for JSON notation. It is intended for use with client-side Javascript applications that make use of HTTPRequest to perform server communication functions - data can be encoded into JSON notation for use in a client-side javascript, or decoded from incoming Javascript requests. JSON format is native to Javascript, and can be directly eval() with no further parsing overhead.
While this version doesn't have a better performance than json_encode() and json_decode() available as extension, but it has the next features:
- it doesn't require an extension. If you can't install ext-json, then you can use this version.
- it works with JSON with unquoted keys (for example JavaScript notation), {aaa:2,bbb:"hello"}
- it could also work with unquoted values {"aaa":2,"bbb":hello}
- it could also work with unwrapped content "aaa":2,"bbb":"hello" instead of {aaa:2,bbb:"hello"}
- It is a simple .php file with no dependency.
- Install the library using composer
composer require eftec/services_json
- Include the dependency
use eftec\ServicesJson\Services_JSON;
include '../vendor/autoload.php';
See the folder examples for further examples
Copy this file: Services_JSON/Services_JSON.php
Include the file
use eftec\ServicesJson\Services_JSON; include 'Services_JSON.php'; // or where is located the file.
Decode a JSON string into a stdclass or an associative array
var_dump(Services_JSON::decode($json)); // as stdclass
var_dump(Services_JSON::decode($json,Services_JSON::GET_ARRAY)); // as array
It also works with unquoted keys
$json='{hello:{a:2,b:3},world:[1,2,3,"aaa","bbbb"]}'; // the keys are unquoted.
var_dump(Services_JSON::decode($json)); // as stdclass
var_dump(Services_JSON::decode($json,Services_JSON::GET_ARRAY)); // as array
With the flag Services_JSON::DECODE_FIX_ROOT, it also works when the origin text misses [] and {} at the start of the code. Note, this feature is not foolproof, for example "[1,2,3],[4,5,6]" will not wrap as "[[1,2,3],[4,5,6]]"
{"a":222,"b:"ccc"} # normal json
"a":222,"b:"ccc" # json without the root parenthesis.
Services_JSON::decode('1,2,3',Services_JSON::GET_ARRAY | Services_JSON::DECODE_FIX_ROOT); // returns [1,2,3]
Services_JSON::decode('"k1":"v1", k2:2',Services_JSON::GET_ARRAY | Services_JSON::DECODE_FIX_ROOT) // returns [ 'k1' => 'v1','k2'=>2]
Note: DECODE_FIX_ROOT flag detects if the near character is ":" or ",". If the closest character is ":", then it returns an object, otherwise it returns a list. If there is none, then it returns a list.
With the flag Services_JSON::DECODE_NO_QUOTE it also works when the string values are not quoted.
Note: invisible characters at the beginner and at the end (tabs, line carriages) will be trimmed.
Services_JSON::decode('{"a":aaa,"b":bbbb,"c": aaaaa}'
, Services_JSON::GET_ARRAY | Services_JSON::DECODE_NO_QUOTE) // ['a'=>'aaa','b'=>'bbbb','c' => 'aaaaa']
Encode transform a value (array, object, primitive value, etc.) into a json expression (a string)
var_dump(Services_JSON::encode($array)); // encode an associative array
var_dump(Services_JSON::encode($obj)); // encode an object
- 2.5
- now allows "@" and "." for key values.
- 2.4
- update requirements to php 7.4
- added more type hinting (type validation)
- 2.3.2
- Added flag to decode() DECODE_NO_QUOTE
- 2.3.1
- deleted unused code
- fixed comments.
- 25% of the code has been refactored.
- 2.3
- Fixed a typo with a comment.
- added phpunit. The entire code is tested but special codification.
- 2.2
- Now the library is static, so you can call the methods without creating an instance.
- If you want to work with the non-static library, then install 1.1
- 1.1
- It works with PHP 7.2 and higher (including PHP 8.0 and 8.1)
- It doesn't require PECL to work.
- The code was cleaned
- Web header is removed.
- Method decode() could return an associative array.
- 1.0.3-1.0.0 PECL version. It only works with PHP 4.x and PHP 5.x