Provides profile setup for HAVANA users to access Anacode software.
Currently supplies only bash
profile, leaving tcsh
users reliant on the legacy and ubiquitous ~/.cshrc
Consider only havana members,
HAVANA_USERS=$( ypmatch havana aliases ),humpub
SWCFGS=$( eval ls -1 ~{$HAVANA_USERS}/.softwarerc )
grep -10 anacode $SWCFGS
# missed any?
VERTANNS=$(ypmatch vertann group | cut -d: -f4)
echo $VERTANNS $VERTANNS $HAVANA_USERS | sed -e 's/[, ]/\n/g' | sort | uniq -c | grep -E ' *2 '
ypcat passwd | grep -E "^($( echo $HAVANA_USERS | tr , '|' )):" | \
cut -d: --output-delimiter="$( printf '\t' )" -f1,7
grep bash $( eval ls -1 ~{$HAVANA_USERS}/.cshrc )
The problem is that the default (badger, oracle from /etc/csh/sanger/softwarerc ) could well interact with current .cshrc and there is no way we're going to deal with that automatically.
NOSWRC_USERS=$( eval ls -1 ~{$HAVANA_USERS}/.softwarerc 2>&1 >/dev/null | cut -d/ -f7 )
NOSWRC_CSHRC=$( eval ls -1 ~{$( echo $NOSWRC_USERS | tr ' ' ,)}/.cshrc )
tail -n+1 $NOSWRC_CSHRC | less
perl -ne 's/^\s+|[ \t]+$//g; s/\\\n/ CONT /; print unless /^#|^ *$/' $NOSWRC_CSHRC | sort | uniq -c | less;a=tree;f=swac-etc probably the master branch.
There are two. One for files that Git ignores, and another for files that rsync ignores.
/etc/csh/sanger/ which comes from CVS and contains dotfiles.