HCAS (Huanui College Actvity Sign-on)
This is a fork of the old jacobtreed/QRLS, to produce something with little value at all.
- Only member sign-in
- Rebrand
- Not much really
This application comes with a Dockerfile and docker-compose.yml (If using docker you can ignore Setup) There is also a captain-definition so that it can be deployed to a CapRover server
To setup the application you required a NodeJS installation of v14.16.0
or greater (only tested on this version)
You then need to run the following command to get the required dependencies
npm install --production
Then to start the application run
npm run start
node ./bin/www
The following environment variables are required to run
Variable | Example | Explanation |
PORT | 8080 | The port in which the app will run on |
JWT_CREDENTIALS_KEY | "PRIVATE KEY" | The JWT private key must be quoted |
JWT_CREDENTIALS_EMAIL | example@gserviceaccount.com | The JWT service account email |
JWT_TOKEN_PATH | app/data | The path to store the JWT token file in |
CACHE_FILE_PATH | app/data | The path to store the cache file in |
CACHE_EXPIRE_TIME | 1 | The amount of hours to keep the cache for |
YOUTH_SHEET_ID | The google sheet id for the youth list | |
YOUTH_RANGE_NAME | The google sheet range for the youth list | |
FACILITATORS_SHEET_ID | The google sheet id for the facilitators list | |
FACILITATORS_RANGE_NAME | The google sheet range for the facilitators list | |
DB_HOST | localhost | The database host |
DB_PORT | 3306 | The database port |
DB_USER | root | The database user |
DB_PASSWORD | password | The database password |
DB_DATABASE | qrl_membership_db | The database name |
REQUEST_LOGGING | true | Log inbound requests to the console |
The attendance data is store in the attendance_record
table the following SQL code will setup the required tables
drop table if exists attendance_record;
create table attendance_record
attendance_id int auto_increment,
full_name text not null,
registered tinyint not null,
arrival_date date not null,
arrival_time time not null,
constraint attendance_record_attendance_id_uindex
unique (attendance_id)
alter table attendance_record
add primary key (attendance_id);
Any data retrieved from google sheets is cached for 1 hour