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Event-based Estimation of Periodic Phenomena Rate using Correlation in 3D - Kolář, J., Špetlík, R., Matas, J. (2024), In Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Machine Vision (ICMV 2024)


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arXiv DOI:10.48550/ARXIV.2408.06899 DOI:10.1117/12.3055033

EEPPR: Event-based Estimation of Periodic Phenomena Rate using Correlation in 3D

Kolář, J., Špetlík, R., Matas, J. (2024) EEPPR: Event-based Estimation of Periodic Phenomena Frequency using 3D Correlation. In Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Machine Vision, 2024

Paper Link: SPIE Poster: PDF


The dataset features 12 sequences of periodic phenomena (rotation - 01-06, flicker - 07-08, vibration - 09-10 and movement - 11-12) with GT frequencies ranging from 3.2 up to 2000 Hz in .raw and .hdf5 file formats.

Data capture demonstration: Youtube video

Each event-based sequence was rendered as a video in 3 playback speeds: Youtube playlist

Ground-truth frequencies of experiments

Sequences highcontrastdot, handspinner and motor originate from the Metavision Dataset. To download these sequences, use the method/ script. The method/ script handles the downloading of these sequences automatically.


Method's diagram

  1. Data captured from an event camera is aggregated into a 3D array,
  2. the array is split into same-sized areas, and in each area, a template depth is automatically selected,
  3. a 3D correlation of the template with the event stream is computed,
  4. a frequency is calculated from the median of time deltas measured between correlation peaks for each window,
  5. the output frequency is computed as a median of measurements from all windows.



  • Windows 10/11, Linux Ubuntu 20.04 and Ubuntu 22.04
  • Python 3.9
  • CUDA 11.7, 12.1, 12.4 or CPU only

Tested on, but same versions (probably) not required:

  • Miniconda3-py39-24.5.0
  • Metavision SDK 4.4.0


  1. Git or GitHub Desktop app

  2. Anaconda: For managing the Python environment.

    • Download and install Miniconda for Python 3.9 from the official Anaconda website.
    • When installing, consider adding Miniconda3 to PATH. Otherwise, you will need to run a specific Anaconda terminal (instructions on activating it below).
  3. CUDA Toolkit: This method supports GPU acceleration for 3D correlation computing using CUDA PyTorch. The method was tested and the repo contains environment setups for CUDA versions 11.7, 12.1 and 12.4. If none of these versions are compatible with your system, a cpu only environment setup is available as well and you can skip this step.

    • Download and install the appropriate version from the CUDA Toolkit Archive.
    • Feel free to use the Expert installation mode and uncheck installing any non CUDA related packages (Nsight VS, GeForce drivers,...)
  4. Metavision SDK: The Metavision SDK is required for I/O operations with event-based sequences (.raw or .hdf5). File formats from other event camera manufacturers are currently not supported. However, if you implemented support for one, feel free to open a pull request.

    • For Windows
      • Open installation instructions for Windows

      • Verify your system is compatible by checking the Required Configuration section

      • Whether you are installing the SDK for the first time or are currently using a previous version, you must download a Windows installer, which is hosted in an installer repository. The URL of this repository can be retrieved this way:

      • Once you have access to our installer repository, among the list of SDK installers, download the Metavision_SDK_440_Setup.exe and install it using default settings.

    • For Linux


  1. Clone the repository at a path that does not contain any special characters (e.g. ě, š, č, ř, ž, ý, á, í, é). Otherwise, the Metavision SDK Driver raises an exception (Error 103001):
git clone
  1. Create a new Anaconda environment:

    • Open the Anaconda terminal
      • If you used default path when installing in for all users in Windows you can use the following command
      %windir%\System32\cmd.exe "/K" C:\ProgramData\miniconda3\Scripts\activate.bat C:\ProgramData\miniconda3
      • If you used default path when installing in for current user with <user_name> in Windows you can use the following command
      %windir%\System32\cmd.exe "/K" C:\Users\<user_name>\Scripts\activate.bat C:\Users\<user_name>\miniconda3
    • Verify that conda is installed. A list of commands should appear.
    • Move to the EEPPR directory using cd if you are not already there
    • If you have the CUDA XX.Y version installed (11.7, 12.1, 12.4), run the following command:
    conda env create -f ./setup/environment_cudaXX_Y.yml
    • If you prefer to only use CPU:
    conda env create -f ./setup/environment_cpu.yml
  2. Activate the environment:

conda activate eeppr
  1. Verify the Installation:

You can run a quick check to verify that the environment with CUDA is set up correctly. No errors should appear.

import torch
print(f"CUDA version: {torch.version.cuda}")
print(f"PyTorch version: {torch.__version__}")
print(f"CUDA is available: {torch.cuda.is_available()}")
if not torch.cuda.is_available():
   print("CUDA is not available.")
   print("When running the EEPPR method, please use '--device cpu' flag.")


python ./method/

Usage examples

After setting up your environment, you can run the EEPPR method using the script. Here are some example commands:

  1. Basic usage with a file (--file/-f):
python ./method/ --file path/to/your/event_file.raw
  1. To analyse any sequence from the PPED dataset, simply enter the sequence name. For example, led, highcontrastdot, screen, motor, etc. For all sequence names, check the dataset folder or dataset/config.json file:
python ./method/ -f led
  1. Specifying RoI coordinates (optional, --roi_coords/-rc) in X0 Y0 X1 Y1 format. RoI for sequences from the dataset are provided automatically. If you want to analyse the full sensor spatial resolution, use the --full-resolution/-fr flag. If none of those flags are provided, a GUI will be shown where the user can set RoI easily:
python ./method/ -f path/to/your/event_file.raw -rc 100 100 300 300
  1. A simple GUI is presented to the user for verifying, selecting, modifying and replacing the RoI. If --roi_coords are provided (or the sequence if from the EEPPR dataset), the GUI can be skipped by using the --skip_roi_gui/-srg flag:
python ./method/ -f path/to/your/event_file.raw -rc 100 100 300 300 -srg
  1. By default, the method loads and analyses the first second of the given sequence data. To analyse the entire sequence at a step length equal to --read_t microseconds, use the --full_seq_analysis/-fsa flag. It is important to mention that in this use case, the --read_t parameter sets the update frequency in microseconds of the correlation template:
python ./method/ -f path/to/your/event_file.raw -fsa --read_t 500000

The method's output will be a 1D numpy.ndarray of float64 measurements of a length equal to the number of steps (the sequence length divided by --read_t).

  1. Using a different aggregation function (mean, median, max, min or other NumPy functions) for aggregating measurements from all windows (optional, --aggreg_fn/-afn). By default, median is used:
python ./method/ -f path/to/your/event_file.raw --aggreg_fn mean
  1. If you instead prefer to obtain measurements from all windows and all correlation responses for further analysis, use the optional flag --all_results or -ar:
python ./method/ -f motor -ar

Using this flag, the method outputs three objects:

  • A numpy.float64 value representing the method's output
  • A 2D numpy.ndarray of float64 measurements from all windows of shape (x_windows, y_windows)
  • A 3D numpy.ndarray of float64 correlation responses for each window of shape (x_windows, y_windows, depths_count)


  • x_windows is the number of windows horizontally (see method's diagram above)
  • y_windows is the number of windows vertically
  • depths_count is equal to --read_t divided by --aggreg_t

If the --all_results flag is used with the --full_seq_analysis flag, the method outputs following three objects:

  • A 1D numpy.ndarray of float64 values representing the method's output of shape (steps,)
  • A 3D numpy.ndarray of float64 measurements from all windows of shape (n_steps, x_windows, y_windows)
  • A 3D numpy.ndarray of float64 correlation responses for each window of shape (x_windows, y_windows, seq_len)


  • n_steps is equal to the sequence length divided by --read_t
  • seq_len is equal to the sequence length divided by --aggreg_t
  1. Visualise correlation responses and their peaks for each window in an interactive plot (optional, --viz_corr_resp/-vcr):
python ./method/ -f handspinner -vcr
  1. Run 3D correlation computations on a specific device (optional, --device/-d, default is cuda:0):
python ./method/ -f path/to/your/event_file.raw --device cuda:1
python ./method/ -f path/to/your/event_file.raw --device cpu
  1. Logs are automatically saved into --output_dir (default: ./eeppr_out). If used with --viz_corr_resp, all plots of correlation responses are also saved here as .jpg files.

  2. To set the level of logs printed in the console (DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR, CRITICAL), use the --log/-l flag (default: INFO). If you prefer not to use the DEBUG logging level but want to get more information on why the analysis of events within some windows did not produce any measurements, use the --verbose/-v flag:

python ./method/ -f handspinner -v

For a complete list of available options, run:

python ./method/ -h 
usage: [-h] --file FILE [--roi_coords X0 Y0 X1 Y1] [--full-resolution] [--aggreg_t AGGREG_T] [--read_t READ_T] [--full_seq_analysis] [--aggreg_fn {mean,median,max,min}] [--decimals DECIMALS] [--skip_roi_gui] [--win_size WIN_SIZE]
               [--event_count EVENT_COUNT] [--viz_corr_resp] [--all_results] [--device DEVICE] [--log {DEBUG,INFO,WARNING,ERROR,CRITICAL}] [--verbose] [--output_dir OUTPUT_DIR]

Measure the frequency of periodic phenomena (rotation, vibration, flicker, etc.) in an event-based sequence using the EEPPR method.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --file FILE, -f FILE  Filepath to the file to read events from (.raw) or name of a sequence from EEPPR dataset: ['highcontrastline', 'velcro_front', 'velcro_side', 'highcontrastdot', 'handspinner', 'spider', 'led', 'screen', 'speaker', 'motor', 'chain_side',   
  --roi_coords X0 Y0 X1 Y1, -rc X0 Y0 X1 Y1
                        RoI coordinates of the object to track (X0 Y0 X1 Y1)
  --full-resolution, -fr
                        Flag to set ROI to full resolution of the input file
  --aggreg_t AGGREG_T, -t AGGREG_T
                        Events aggregation interval in microseconds (default: 100)
  --read_t READ_T, -r READ_T
                        Number of microseconds to read events from the file (default: 1000000)
  --full_seq_analysis, -fsa
                        Analyze the whole sequence at the step length of --read_t microseconds, updating the template every step (default: False)
  --aggreg_fn {mean,median,max,min}, -afn {mean,median,max,min}
                        Name of a NumPy function used to aggregate measurements from all windows (default: median)
  --decimals DECIMALS, -dp DECIMALS
                        Number of decimal places to round the result to (default: 1)
  --skip_roi_gui, -srg  Flag to skip the RoI setup GUI if --roi_coords are provided
  --win_size WIN_SIZE, -w WIN_SIZE
                        Window size in pixels (default: 45, recommended not to change. See our paper)
  --event_count EVENT_COUNT, -N EVENT_COUNT
                        The threshold for template event count (default: 1800, recommended not to change. See our paper)
  --viz_corr_resp, -vcr
                        Visualize correlation responses for each window
  --all_results, -ar    Output estimates from all windows (NumPy 2D array X x Y) and all correlation responses (NumPy 3D array X x Y x read_t/aggreg_t)
  --device DEVICE, -d DEVICE
                        Device to run 3D correlation computations on (default: cuda:0)
                        Logging level (default: INFO)
  --verbose, -v         Verbose mode
  --output_dir OUTPUT_DIR, -o OUTPUT_DIR
                        Name of output directory (default: ./eeppr_out)


If you encounter any issues during installation or running the method, please check the following:

  • Metavision SDK Driver error 103001: You are trying to open a file using a file path that contains some special characters (Metavision FAQ)
  • For other Metavision-related issues, see their Troubleshooting guide
  • RuntimeError: Found no NVIDIA driver on your system: If you have NVIDIA GPU, check that you have updated its driver; otherwise, use the --device cpu flag when running the method
  • Make sure all prerequisites are correctly installed by running the method/ script
  • Ensure your CUDA installation matches the version specified by the Anaconda environment version

If problems persist, please open an issue with details about your setup and the error you're encountering.


The code and dataset are provided under the GPL-3.0 license. Please refer to the LICENSE file for details. We encourage you to use them responsibly and cite the paper if you use it in your work:

   author = {Jakub Kol{\'a}ř and Radim Špetl{\'i}k and Jiř{\'i} Matas},
   title = {{EEPPR: event-based estimation of periodic phenomena rate using correlation in 3D}},
   volume = {13517},
   booktitle = {Seventeenth International Conference on Machine Vision (ICMV 2024)},
   editor = {Wolfgang Osten},
   organization = {International Society for Optics and Photonics},
   publisher = {SPIE},
   pages = {135170S},
   keywords = {event camera, periodic phenomena, rotation, vibration},
   year = {2025},
   doi = {10.1117/12.3055033},
   URL = {}


Event-based Estimation of Periodic Phenomena Rate using Correlation in 3D - Kolář, J., Špetlík, R., Matas, J. (2024), In Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Machine Vision (ICMV 2024)






