- Montpellier, France
- 1h ahead - https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Jacques-Dainat-2
- https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6629-0173
- https://@jacquesdainat.bsky.social
- @jacquesdainat@genomic.social
- in/jacques-dainat-02257376
Improvement of Long Read Assemblies (ILRA) is a pipeline to help in the post assembly process (finishing) by cleaning and merging contigs, correct homopolymer tracks and circulate plastids. We also…
Nextflow Alignment Pipeline - from fastq.gz to sorted bam with ease
nextflow-io / nf-validation
Forked from nextflow-io/nf-schemaParams validation plugin for Nextflow pipelines
Webserver and command line tool for annotating engineered plasmids
Nextflow runs monitoring and organisation UI
An experimental package for phylogenetics in Julia
Example of daisy chaining nextflow pipeline with the AliNe pipeline
Pipeline for the determination of a proxy of risk of environmental enrichment for a given emerging AMR gene and/or bacteria
NBIS Summer School • Advanced R for Bioinformatics
LucaProt: A novel deep learning framework that incorporates protein amino acid sequence and structural information to predict protein function.
A proof of concept daisy-chaining Nextflow workflows
A pipeline for taxonomic classification and functional annotation of metagenomic reads. Based on MEDUSA
RADO (Réseau d’Analyse de DOnnées) interactive member info page https://Juke34.github.io/RADO_members/
Un site web dédié à la bioinformatique où je centralise mes connaissances, tutoriels et ressources pour faciliter l'apprentissage et le travail en analyse de données biologiques.
Posit Cheat Sheets - Can also be found at https://posit.co/resources/cheatsheets/.
Bin Chicken - recovery of low abundance and taxonomically targeted metagenome assembled genomes (MAGs) through strategic coassembly
Classify metagenomic contigs as eukaryotic or prokaryotic
Conda anaconda license https://juke34.github.io/fix-anaconda-licensing-issues/en/
Streamlining SLAM-seq analysis with ultra-high sensitivity
Is a mkdocs plugin to make reproducible documentation with quarto