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Seismic Surface Wave Dispersion Measurements with Automatic Frequency Time Analysis
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# AFTAN (Automatic Frequency Time Analysis) INTRODUCTION The aftan Release 1.1 package provides instruments for Automatic Frequency_Time Analysis (AFTAN) of cros-correlogram of the ambient seismic noise [1,2]. The output of programs based on this package are group and phase velocities of fundamental Rayleigh and Love modes which can be used in surface wave tomographic studies (e.g.,[6],[7]). The AFTAN is a modification of previously developed and widely used FTAN (e.g., [3],[4],[5]. The AFTAN converts time series of cross-correlation functions into frequency-time diagramms of signal power as a function of frequency and group time by means of the multiple narrow-band filtering. Then it provides automatic measurements of group and phase velocities together with estimates of signal/noise ratios of these measurements. CONTENTS 1. PACKAGE CONTENTS 2. INSTALLATION 3. SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS 4. TEST ISTALLATION 5. DESCRIPTION OF THE AFTAN-1.1 PACKAGE REFERENCES 1. PACKAGE CONTENTS ================ The contents of the package are as follows: README this file bin contains two 64-bit executable programs aftan_c_test and aftan_f_test,OS RHEL 5.9 src contains program source codes TEST1 contains precomputed example test TEST2 directory to run your own installation 2. INSTALLATION ================ Use the gunzip and tar command to extract distribution contents. ...> gunzip aftan-1.1.tgz ...> tar xvf aftan-1.1.tar This will yield a top level directory named aftan-1.1 with an executable, along with other miscellaneous files. Go to ancc-1.1/src directory and recompile, if necessary, all programs. To do that execute the following coomands ...> make clean ...> make ...> make install The resulting binary modules aftan_c_test and aftan_f_test will be installed under aftan-1.1/bin directory. In case of problems update Makefile properly. The gftan-1.1/bin directory originally includes binary modules compiled by gcc/gfortran v4.1.2 compiler under RHEL 5.9 (RedHat Enterprise Linux 5.9) Operational System. The package required installation of the fftw libraries version 3.2.4 or higher for the Fast Fourier Transformation fftw's libraries must be installed in system under root user for better performance. See an example of run in the directory TEST1 and try your own run in directory TEST2. 3. SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS =================== - 64-bit or 32-bit platforms - Software: fftw v.3.2.4 or higher - Linux Operation System, currently tested on RHEL 5.x, 32 and 64 bit version under gcc/gfortran v4.1.2 - SUN OS Solaris currently tested on Solaris rel.5.7/5.8/5.10 cc/f77 WorkShop Compilers 4.2 - Mac X currently tested on OS 10.7 (Snow Leopard), gcc/gfortran v4.6,fftw3.2.2 - have to work under other Linux OS and compilers with minor changes. 4. TEST INSTALLATION ================= Go to aftan-1.1/TEST1 and after aftan-1.1/TEST2 and follow README files. 5. DESCRIPTION OF THE AFTAN-1.1 PACKAGE ==================================== The atan-1.1 package consists of the set of FORTAN subroutines and C functions. Based on this set, it is possible to write separate programs or imbed into existing software, which is required FTAN analysis. The atan-1.1 package offers two programs written on C and FORTRAN language, that used as testing programs, and might be used on constant base to permorm automatic FTAN analysys for the huge scope of cross-correlation functions settled in IRIS Product [1]. Thus, aftan_c_test and aftan_f_test are those testing programs for aftan-1.1 package. Both programs must produce the same result. The aftan_c_test program includes main module driver_c.c written on C language, which is an example of C interface to aftan-1.1 package. The aftan_f_test program includes main module driver.f, which is the program interface to the aftan-1.1 package written on FORTRAN language. You may use any programs mentioned above as for testing purposes or on regular base. Also, you can modify or create your own version of the main programs driver_c.c or driver.f. 5.1 Here we briefly describe the aftan_c_test program for C-interface. SYNOPSIS aftan_c_test param_file DESCRIPTION While starting, aftan_c_test reads line by line the parameter file pointed by path param_file. Each line includes subset of the most important parameters and path to cross-correlation SAC file. The rest parameters must be defined in the driver_c.c module. For example, some line look like -1.0 1.5 5.0 4.0 30.0 20.0 1.0 1.0 0.2 1.0 ctest/COR_TA.M14A_TA.M17A.SAC The line includes values for variables described later in section 5.2.2, namely, piover4,vmin,vmax,tmin,tmax,tresh,ffact,taperl,snr,fmatch and path name to SAC binary file in form of path_dir/file_name. The directory path_dir may be individual for each line that we call simply "data dir". NOTE: SAC file name must have the extension ".SAC" . The other parameters sac,nfin,npoints,perc,ffact are initialized in the module driver_c.c. For each line of the parameter file aftan_c_test does the following things: a) reads predicted phase velocity file from the data directory, if it exists the name has the form "file_name_PHP". For example, in our case, the predicted group velocity file name is COR_TA.M14A_TA.M17A.SAC_PHP NOTE: The ..._PHP file should not be very accurate. The main goal of this file to choose the branch of phase velocity. AFTAN alogirithm try to estimate right branch at single period only, namely, at maximal period of period range. The good approximation could be PREM 1D model without water layer or some phase dispersion cirve obtained from average regional share velocity model. b) reads cross-correlation from SAC file by reading data_ function (C) ??? c) performs basic FTAN by aftanpg_ subroutine (FORTRAN) d) writes results on screen and into file system inside the data directory by printres_ function (C) e) makes match-filtering of FTAN diagram by aftanipg_ subroutine (FORTRAN) f) writes results on screen and into file system insides data directory by printres_ function (C) INPUT DATA aftan_c_test reads predicted phase velocity (ASCII plane file), if it exists, from data directory. It should have the name form of "file_name_PHP". The file_name_PHP includes the following lines: Line1: Any text size of up to 80 characters Lines2-n: per, pha_vel Format: Unformatted where, per is period in sec, and pha_vel is predicted phase velocity in km/s OUTPUT DATA aftan_c_test outputs in data dir three type of ASCII flat files. If path to SAC file is "XXXX", then aftan_c_test creates the following resulting files for base FTAN: XXXX01_AMP, XXXX01_DISP.0, XXXX01_DISP.1 and resulting files for match-filtered FTAN: XXXX02_AMP, XXXX02_DISP.0, XXXX02_DISP.1 5.1.1 Format of XXXX01_AMP and XXXX02_AMP xyz grid files The files XXXX01_AMP and XXXX02_AMP are envelop FTAN diagrams and have the same formats. The number of lines in files is nrow*ncol+1, see section 5.2.2. Line 1: nrow,ncol,dt,delta where, nrow - number of periods ncol - number of times dt - time step in sec delta - epicentral distance in km Lines 2-nrow*ncol+1: n, tamp, amp where, n is the reference number to the line in the file XXXX01_DISP.0 for XXXX01_AMP or to the line in the file XXXX02_DISP.0 for XXXX02_AMP . tamp, is a time of FTAN diagram in sec, and amp if FTAN diagram amplitude in Db, max value for each reference number n is 100 Db. 5.1.2 Format of XXXX01_DISP.0 and XXXX02_DISP.0 files. The file XXXX01_DISP.0 includes the complete results of the base FTAN and XXXX02_DISP.0 include complete results of the match filtering FTAN. The number of lines in files is nfout1 for XXXX01_DISP.0 file, and nfout2 for XXXX02_DISP.0 file. Each line of file has 8 fields: nf, cper, oper, gvel, pvel, ampl, dfunc, snr nf - filter number, starting from 1 by 1 cper - central periods, s oper - observed periods, s gvel - group velocity, km/s pvel - phase velocity, km/s or phase if nphpr=0, rad ampl - amplitudes, Db dfunc - discrimination function, second derivative of group velocity by frequence snr - signal/noise ratio, Db 5.1.3 Format of XXXX01_DISP.1 and XXXX02_DISP.1 files. The file XXXX01_DISP.1 includes the cleaned results of the base FTAN and XXXX02_DISP.1 include cleaned results of the match filtering FTAN. The number of lines in files is nfout1 for XXXX01_DISP.1 file, and nfout2 for XXXX02_DISP.1 file. Each line of file has 7 fields: nf, cper, oper, gvel, pvel, ampl, snr nf - filter number, starting from 1 by 1 cper - central periods, s oper - observed periods, s gvel - group velocity, km/s pvel - phase velocity, km/s or phase if nphpr=0, rad ampl - amplitudes, Db snr - signal/noise ratio, Db 5.2 Here we briefly describe the aftan_f_test program for FORTRAN interface: SYNOPSIS aftan_f_test param_file The most important subroutine/functions of the aftan package are 5.2.1 C function readdata_ , from module misc.c NAME readdata_ reads symmetric cross-correlation from SAC file SYNOPSIS void readdata_(int *sac,char *name,int *n,double *dt,double *delta, double *t0,float sei[32768], int *ierr); DESCRIPTION Input formal arguments: sac - should be 1 all the time name - path to the SAC file Output formal arguments: n - length of cross-correlation function dt - sampling step, in sec delta - distance between pair of stations t0 - time shift, zero all the time sei - cross-correlation itself ierr - return value, non zero in case some errors WARNING: The header of the SAC cross-correlation file must be properly constructed. If the lag of the cross-correlation function is m, e.g. length of the cross-correlation is 2*m+1, than, the header field b must be negative and equal to -m*dt, number of points should be npts=2*m+1, and the field dist (distance) must be properly defined. If you are not sure about dist read and write all SAC files in place by sac program before running aftan. 5.2.2 Subroutine aftanpg.f NAME aftanpg - performs FTAN analysis on regular base SYNOPSIS subroutine aftanpg(piover4,n,sei,t0,dt,delta,vmin,vmax,tmin,tmax, * tresh,ffact,perc,npoints,taperl,nfin,fsnr,nphpr,phprper, * phprvel,nfout1,arr1,nfout2,arr2,tamp,nrow,ncol,amp,ierr) real*8 piover4 integer*4 n real*4 sei(32768) real*8 t0,dt,delta,vmin,vmax,tmin,tmax,tresh,ffact,perc integer*4 npoints real*8 taperl integer*4 nfin real*8 fsnr integer*4 nphpr real*8 phprper(300),phprvel(300) integer*4 nfout1 real*8 arr1(8,100) integer*4 nfout2 real*8 arr2(7,100) real*8 tamp integer*4 nrow,ncol real*8 amp(32768,100) integer*4 ierr DESCRIPTION Input formal arguments: piover4 - factor to pi/4. piover4*pi/4 is a constant phase shift equal to "-1.0" for cross-correlation functions and some value for other signals. piover4 takes effect on phase velocity only and doesn't change group velocity. n - length of input waveform. sei - input cross-correlation function (waveform) length of n, the first element of array sei must correspond zero argument of the cross-correlation function t0 - time of the first sample of input wave form, usually 0.0 , in sec dt - sampling step of waveform, in sec dist - distance between pair of cross-correlates station, or between source and station. vmin,vmax - minimal and maximal values of group velocity, in km/s dist/vmax and dist/vmin cut from array sei segment of data for FTAN analysis. tmin,tmx - periods range, in sec tresh - threshold for second derivative of group velocity, used for jumps detection, usually tresh = 10.0. ffact - factor to width of FTAN filters, usually ffact=1 perc - minimal length of the output segment relative whole length frequency range [tmin,tmax], in % npoints - max number points in jump area taperl - factor for the left end seismogram tapering nfin - starting number of frequencies, nfin <= 100 fsnr - NOT USED, for future extensions nphpr - length of phprper and phprvel arrays. If nphpr = 0, aftanpg subroutine does not output phase velocity branch, instead of it outputs phase. phprper - predicted phase velocity periods, s phprvel - predicted phase velocity for corresponding periods, s Output formal parameters: The main output parameters are stored in 2-D arrays arr1 and arr2, arr1 contains preliminary results and arr2 - final. nfout1 - output number of frequencies for arr1, (integer*4) arr1 - preliminary results. arr1(1,j) - central periods, s arr1(2,j) - observed periods, s arr1(3,j) - group velocities, km/s arr1(4,j) - phase velocities, km/s or phase if nphpr=0, rad arr1(5,j) - amplitudes, Db arr1(6,j) - discrimination function arr1(7,j) - signal/noise ratio, Db arr1(8,j) - maximum half width, s where j = 1,...,nfout1 arr2 - final results nfout2 - output number of frequencies for arr2, (integer*4) If nfout2 == 0, no final result. arr2(1,j) - central periods, s arr2(2,j) - observed periods, s arr2(3,j) - group velocities, km/sor phase if nphpr=0, rad arr2(4,j) - phase velocities, km/s arr2(5,j) - amplitudes, Db arr2(6,j) - signal/noise ratio, Db arr2(7,j) - maximum half width, s where j = 1,...,nfout2 tamp - time to the beginning of ampo table+t0, s nrow - number of rows in grid ampo ncol - number of columns in grid ampo amp - 2D grid amplitude array, Db, (real*8) The first index i (columns) of amp(i,j) refers to time , t=t0+(i-1)*dt, the second j (rows) refer to the array arr1, namely, arr1(:,j). ierr - completion status, =0 - O.K., (integer*4) =1 - some problems occurs =2 - no final results 5.2.3 Subroutine aftanipg.f NAME aftanipg - performs phase matching filtering for input signal by predicted group velocity dispersion curve and later FTAN analysis. SYNOPSIS subroutine aftanipg(piover4,n,sei,t0,dt,delta,vmin,vmax,tmin,tmax, * tresh,ffact,perc,npoints,taperl,nfin,fsnr,fmatch,npred, * pred,nphpr,phprper,phprvel,nfout1,arr1,nfout2,arr2, * tamp,nrow,ncol,amp,ierr) real*8 piover4 integer*4 n real*4 sei(32768) real*8 t0,dt,delta,vmin,vmax,tmin,tmax,tresh,ffact,perc integer*4 npoints real*8 taperl integer*4 nfin real*8 fsnr real*8 fmatch integer*4 npred real*8 pred(300,2) integer*4 nphpr real*8 phprper(300),phprvel(300) integer*4 nfout1 real*8 arr1(8,100) integer*4 nfout2 real*8 arr2(7,100) real*8 tamp integer*4 nrow,ncol real*8 amp(32768,100) integer*4 ierr DESCRIPTION The description of all formal arguments for the atanpg subroutine are valid for the atanipg subroutine with the single exception - fsnr parameters. fsnr - define two cutting points for both end of compressed signal by threshold value equal to maximal of signal with factor fsnr. atanipg subroutine has 3 more additional parameters: fmatch - is the factor to compressed signal width defined by two cutting points nped - length of predicted group velocity in array pred(300,2) pred - array including npred group velocity measurements, pred(:,1) - periods, in s pred(:,2) - group velocity measurements 5.2.4 C function printres_ (in module misc.c) NAME printres_ - output data of aftanpg or aftanipg subroutines on a screen and hard drive in ASCII format SYNOPSIS void printres_(double *dt,int *nfout1,double arr1[100][8],int *nfout2, double arr2[100][7],double *tamp, int *nrow,int *ncol, double amp[100][32768],int *ierr, char *name,char *pref); DESCRIPTION All formal parameters are described in the previous sections, except three the last one. ierr - return value from aftanpg or aftanipg subroutines. If ierr = 0 printres_ prints out results, if ierr != 0, do not print. name - path to output file name pref - part of extension of output file name If name is "XXXX" and pref is "YY",then printres_ create the following output names: XXXXYY_AMP for FTAN amplitude map, array arr1 is reference for periods XXXXYY_DISP.0 for array arr1 XXXXYY_DISP.1 for array arr2 REFERENCES [1] IRIS DMS Product, Western US Ambient Noise Cross-Correlations, by Mikhail Barmine and Michael Rtizwoller, published electronically June 2012, Incorporated Research Institutions for Seismology, http://www.iris.edu/dms/products/ancc-ciei [2] Bensen, G.D., M.H. Ritzwoller, M.P. Barmin, A.L. Levshin, F. Lin, M.P. Moschetti, N.M. Shapiro, and Y. Yang, Processing seismic ambient noise data to obtain reliable broad-band surface wave dispersion measurements, Geophys.J.Int., 169,1239-1260,doi: 10.1111/j.1365-246X.2007.03374.x,2007. [3] Levshin, A.L., Pisarenko, V.F., Pogrebinsky, G.A., 1972. On a frequency-time analysis of oscillations, Ann. Geophys.,28, 211-218. [4] Levshin, A.L.,Yanovskaya, T.B., Lander, A.V., Bukchin,B.G., Barmin, M.P., Ratnikova, L.I. & Its, E.N., 1989. Seismic Surface Waves in a Laterally Inhomogeneous Earth, ed. Keilis-Borok, V.I., Kluwer, Norwell, Mass. [5] Levshin, A., L. Ratnikova, and J. Berger, 1992. Surface rities of surface wave propagation across Central Eurasia, Bull. Seism. Soc. Amer., 82, 6, 2464-2493. [6] Lin, F.-C., M.H. Ritzwoller, and R. Snieder, 2009. Surface wave tomography by phase-front tracking across a regional broad-band seismic array, Geophys. J. Int., 177(3), 1091-1110. [7] Shapiro, N. M., M. Campillo, L. Stehly, and M. H. Ritzwoller, 2005. High resolution surface wave tomography from ambient seismic noise, Science, 307(5715), 1615-1618.
Seismic Surface Wave Dispersion Measurements with Automatic Frequency Time Analysis
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