Tech-otaku save the world. 😝
Hi there.
I'm OrangeX4, but you can also call me 方橙. 🍊 中文介绍
Currently, I'm a prospective graduate student at the School of Artificial Intelligence, Nanjing University, immersed in the boundless sea of learning mathematics, programming, and English.
I love everything new and interesting, with a wide range of interests. Feel free to reach out if you have anything fun to share! 😉 is my personal blog, where you can find my articles and some self-built small websites. Feel free to check it out! Blog
- My frequently used email is
- I often browse Zhihu, where I also share articles. On average, I spend more than two hours on Zhihu every day (oops). Zhihu
- I mainly watch videos on Bilibili and follow many interesting content creators. Bilibili
- My development projects are on GitHub. Don't get lost—give me a Follow! 👀 GitHub
- An extension for writing Latex math equations and performing "scientific calculations" in VS Code: Latex Sympy Calculator
- A web application for browsing markdown notes on GitHub and GitLab in the browser: GitNotes
- A "Reversi" game developed as a programming assignment: Reversi
- An "intelligent pinyin input method" based on Hidden Markov Models: Pinyin
- Simple indoor pedestrian dead reckoning technique: PDR
- Blogroll page for the Nanjing University Linux User Group: Blogroll
- All the notes I've taken since entering university: OrangeX4's Note
- Articles in the "Lesson Zero for CS Students" series on the blog: Lesson Zero
- Chinese resume written in Typst, concise syntax, beautiful style, ready to use, optional photo display: Chinese-Resume-in-Typst
- A extension for writing Typst math equations in VS Code and performing "scientific calculations": Typst Sympy Calculator
- Unofficial Typst Chinese documentation website: typst-doc-cn
- Typst local package synchronization plugin in VS Code: Typst Sync
- Intelligent switching between Chinese and English input methods in VS Code: Smart IME
- Nanjing University thesis template for Typst: modern-nju-thesis
- Relative positioning toolkit for better writing slides in Typst: typst-pinit
- Writing markdown-like tables in Typst easily: typst-tablem
- Write markdown-like checklist in Typst easily.: typst-cheq
- LaTeX support for Typst, powered by Rust and WASM: MiTeX
- User-friendly, powerful and efficient package for creating presentation slides in Typst.: Touying
- Simple enough but expressive template for notes, reports, and documents for Typst: Ori
- Out-of-the-box, customizable and multilingual theorem environment package for Typst: Theorion
- I love Web technologies and believe that Web technology is the "best UI technology stack based on text" and the "extension of command-line programs in the GUI era." 🌐
- A passionate supporter of VS Code, considering it the most suitable IDE for myself and believing that "VS Code is a way of life." 📝
- Also a supporter of Typst and its ecosystem, currently trying to use Typst as a replacement for Markdown and LaTeX. ✍🏻
- Therefore, I am a fan of "visible technology," such as "typesetting," "computer graphics," and "human-computer interaction." 🖥️