For the love of humanity, DO NOT RUN THIS PROGRAM!
If you ignored the 1st warning then please only use the program as a "pentest", to check how easily a bot can get your email from an arbitrary text-file.
It stands for "experimental email scrapper.
Notice the suspicious emphasis on "crap". It's a sign that you should feel like that, if you ever include similar code into a web-crawler that feeds a spam-bot.
I've been wondering "How advanced can an email scrapper get... without AI?", so I made this as a challenge to myself!
This is just a "personal project" made for fun, and learning/research. It's also intended to raise awareness about data brokers.
For the reasons mentioned above, I won't:
- distribute executables/binaries (compile it yourself, MF)
- release a
version (always unstable) - publish to a package registry, market/store, or repository.
This is probably the most ethically-questionable software I've ever written. If you believe I'm doing more harm than good, please explain why. I may archive this repo if I feel "guilty enough"
Contributions are welcome (and "unwelcome"), but please don't contrib until I choose a license