- Who am I?: My name is Michael, I'm 19 years old, and I live in Moscow. I study at RTU MIREA and have worked as a programmer and head of Application Development Department at SNO "STUDIO INOVA."
- What I do: I create small programs for games, jokes, and more. I also develop games and mods.
- Languages I've worked with: I have experience with Python, C++, Java, GDScript, GML, and SQL. Currently, I'm learning 1C, Rust, and Lua.
- What is it? MPN: GUI Workshop Uploader is a utility for easily uploading and updating mods in Steam Workshop for MADNESS: Project Nexus.
- You can check it out on itch.io.
- What is it? WEBAVIBG is a tool designed to help players of WEBFISHING easily synchronize their save files with a GitHub repository.
- You can check it out on GitHub.
- What is it? Mondealy Mod Installer is a utility for easily installing mods for Mondealy.
- You can check it out on itch.io and Nexusmods.
- What is it? Economic Biathlon is an educational game developed by SNO "STUDIO INOVA" for RTU MIREA students (and potentially others, depending on contract agreements xddd). The game is part of the "Economic Culture" curriculum. I’m no longer actively working on it.
- You can try it on itch.io.
- Which games have I modded?: I'm a modding maniac and have created mods for games like Project Zomboid, Mondealy, and The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth. I've also made private mods (unpublished) for Pizza Tower, Minecraft, Ready or Not, and Buckshot Roulette.
- Mondealy: I created mods like Bald Michael Mod, Ballin Music Mod, and Project Mondealy Zomboid.
- The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth: I made the mod Neonomi and Rockets Intro.
- Half Life 2: I made the mod Kikoriki Valve Intro!!!.
- Madness: Project Nexus: I made Madness Combat 12 OST in Main Menu
- What are these?: Check out my repositories!
- Life as Student MEMREA: I worked on Life as a Student MEMREA as a programmer, game designer, screenwriter and sounddesigner. At the moment, the project has been canceled due to legal shit
- Economic Biathlon: I worked on this game as a programmer (I even managed to work as a project manager). I am not working with this project at the moment
- Symphony of Destruction: I worked on this project as a programmer and sounddesigner as part of a gamejam from VK Play, RuStore, VK Education and MIREA. This project took the fourth place out of 35
- Screen Duck: With this program, you can now have a real digital duck living on your desktop! It’s available for download on itch.io, and you can check out the source code here
- How you can contact me?: you can contact me via Email (mr.drk.knght@gmail.com), Telegram, VK, Reddit or X (Twitter)