Starred repositories
📲 ChatGPT Android demonstrates a Chatbot application using OpenAI's chat API on Android with Stream Chat SDK for Compose.
Atmosphère is a work-in-progress customized firmware for the Nintendo Switch.
AK478BB / AK-Atmosphere
Forked from Atmosphere-NX/AtmosphereAK原版大气层个人整合包
A cute widget of Switch Button for you to create beautiful and friendly UI.
A modern GUI client based on Tauri, designed to run in Windows, macOS and Linux for tailored proxy experience
Android上强大的悬浮窗组件,支持 系统浮窗(需要权限)、应用内浮窗(无权限)、局部悬浮(View),支持边缘吸附、回弹、自定义动画、位置保存、窗口化及分屏后位置修复等。Android without permission suspension window(App), support global(View), local suspension, support edge adsorp…
Fuzz App is a revolutionary open-source Flutter UI designed to streamline the food ordering process and enhance the dining experience for users worldwide. With a sleek and intuitive interface, Fuzz…
Quiz App is an open-source Flutter UI template. Beautifully designed, fully customizable, and free for your projects. 🚀
Kalendar is no ordinary library — it’s the Elder Wand of calendar components, crafted for Compose (now with KMP support) sorcerers who demand both power and elegance. With the flick of your wrist (…
Android Education App adding Design Course App UI
🎈 Modernized and sophisticated tooltips, fully customizable with an arrow and animations for Android.
A Collection on all Jetpack compose UI elements, Layouts, Widgets and Demo screens to see it's potential
angcyo / CalendarView
Forked from huanghaibin-dev/CalendarViewAndroid上一个优雅、万能自定义UI、支持周视图、自定义周起始、性能高效的日历控件,支持热插拔实现的UI定制!支持标记、自定义颜色、农历、自定义月视图各种显示模式等。Canvas绘制,速度快、占用内存低,你真的想不到日历居然还可以如此优雅!An elegant, highly customized and high-performance Calendar Widget on Android.
[永久维护] Android 快速构建 RecyclerView, 比 BRVAH 更简单强大
The practice of MVI + Jetpack architecture in Android.
An android lib for enhancing BottomNavigationView.(Extended from BottomNavigationViewEx)
✔️ A framework that helps the keyboard smoothly transition to the function panel 一个帮助键盘平稳过渡到功能面板的框架,支持动画无缝衔接,支持 activity/fragment/dialog/dialogFragment/popupWindow 容器,支持IM/直播/视频播放/信息流评论等场景,支持全屏模式。
ByteX is a bytecode plugin platform based on Android Gradle Transform API and ASM. 字节码插件开发平台