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Releases: airbytehq/airbyte

Airbyte 1.5.0

21 Feb 00:24
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Valentine's Day let you down? That's OK. You'll love this. Airbyte 1.5.0 was released on February 20, 2025. We’re excited to share new improvements and changes to the Airbyte platform.

πŸš€ Platform Changes

These changes improve Airbyte for all Self-Managed users.

Declarative OAuth 2.0 in the connector builder

If you're building a connector to an API and want to authenticate with OAuth, you can now authenticate directly in the Connector Builder. This simplified flow ensures you can start building connectors to APIs that support OAuth without writing code to authenticate yourself and provide Airbyte with tokens. OAuth 2.0 is also supported in the low-code connector development kit (CDK), where you can define your authentication using YAML.

To learn more, see the authentication documentation: No-code Connector Builder | Low-code CDK.

Connector builder with OAuth 2.0 authentication

Connection tags

You can now classify your connections with tags. As time goes on, your number of connections tends to increase. This popular classification tool gives you the power to organize connections based on any set of criteria you like, then filter for the ones you want to see. Learn more >

Connections page with tags applied to connections

Configure workspace notifications in the API

Use the Airbyte API to view and change email and webhook notification settings in your workspace. Previously, this was only available in Airbyte's user interface.

  • List workspaces returns a notifications object with details about each workspace's notification settings.
  • Get workspace details returns a notifications object with details about that workspace's notification settings.
  • Create a workspace has a notifications object parameter so you can configure notifications when you create the workspace.
  • Update a workspace has a notifications object parameter so you can configure notifications later.

Use notifications if you want to be alerted to important events in Airbyte, like failed syncs, schema changes, and mandatory connector upgrades. Learn more about notifications >

Full Refresh - Overwrite + Deduped in the API

Use the API to set "Full Refresh - Overwrite + Deduped" as your sync mode when creating and updating a connection. Previously, this sync mode was only available in Airbyte's user interface.

πŸš€ Self-Managed Enterprise Changes

These changes bring new capabilities to Airbyte's Self-Managed Enterprise customers.

Mappings in the UI

We introduced mappings in the API in version 1.3, and it's now available in Airbyte's user interface, too. Use mappings to hash, encrypt, and rename fields, and filter rows. You set up mappings on each stream, ensuring your source data arrives in your destination in a more meaningful way. Learn more >

OpenTelemetry (OTel) metrics monitoring

Self-Managed Enterprise now generates a number of crucial metrics about syncs and volumes of data moved. You can configure Airbyte to send telemetry data to an OTel collector endpoint so you can consume these metrics in your downstream monitoring tool of choice. The following metrics are available:

  • Sync details
  • Sync duration
  • Volume of data moved
  • API requests

To start sending metrics, update your values.yaml file with the following configurations. Learn more >

    edition: enterprise # This is an enterprise-only feature
        enabled: true
            enabled: true
            collectorEndpoint: "YOUR_ENDPOINT" # The OTel collector endpoint Airbyte sends metrics to. You configure this endpoint outside of Airbyte as part of your OTel deployment.

Resource allocation on connectors

In Self-Managed Enterprise, you can now define resource allocations for individual connectors as part of that connector's configuration, both in the user interface and the API.

Airbyte's default CPU and memory allocations aren't always appropriate for every situation, and different connectors have different resource requirements. This can make it challenging to run a large number of concurrent syncs. Historically, you had to tweak a number of variables to configure this. Now, you can set CPU and memory allocation when you set up a source or destination, and it applies to all connections using that connector. Learn more >

Connector resource allocation screenshot

Resource allocation can still be set on specific connections, on all connectors of a type using resourceRequirements, and using environment variables. In cases where resource allocation is defined multiple times, there is an order of precedence. Narrower definitions have higher precedence. From highest to lowest: Connection > Connector > Connector yaml definition > environment variables. See the documentation to learn more about precedence.

πŸ› Bug fixes

  • Fixed issue #46097. When using AWS Secrets Manager, updating a connector that used secrets caused its secrets to be deleted. For connectors with secrets that were deleted because of the bug, upgrade to 1.5 and then update your connector's secrets. They will persist correctly. For sources/destinations that were not affected, upgrading to 1.5 prevents the issue.

Other Changes

Docusaurus is upgraded to version 3.7. Local docs site builds are a bit faster.

Airbyte 1.4.0

17 Jan 22:40
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Happy new year! Airbyte version 1.4.0 was released on January 17, 2025. We’re excited to share new improvements and changes to the Airbyte platform.

πŸš€ Platform Changes

Platform changes improve Airbyte for everyone with a self-managed instance.

Configure the schema refresh rate

At the start of a sync, Airbyte occasionally re-runs schema discovery to detect changes in your source, such as new fields or a change in column type. But running schema discovery has a performance cost, and may not always be necessary before every sync.

You may now use a new toggle, DISCOVER_REFRESH_WINDOW_MINUTES, to set the minimum number of minutes Airbyte will wait to refresh the schema for your sources. By setting a larger number, you run automatic schema detection less frequently, which can result in gains in sync performance. The default configuration in Airbyte Open Source is 1440, which refreshes schemas every 24 hours. The lowest interval you can set is 1, which refreshes schemas before every sync.

    DISCOVER_REFRESH_WINDOW_MINUTES: 1440 # Airbyte automatically refreshes schemas no more than once per day (1440 minutes).

Set this to 0 to disable automatic schema refreshes. All schema refreshes will need to be done manually via the Airbyte UI or API.

    DISCOVER_REFRESH_WINDOW_MINUTES: 0 # Airbyte does not automatically detect schema changes.

Connectors support custom image registries

Connectors can now use custom image registries rather than Airbyte’s public Docker registry. If you configure Airbyte to use a custom image registry, it now automatically uses that registry for connector images as well as platform images. Previously, only platform images supported this. In this example, we set Airbyte’s values.yaml file to pull all images from GitHub.


You must ensure copies of platform and connector images are available in your custom image registry. Learn how to set up custom image registries.

Custom Docker connectors in your workspace that specify an image using a fully qualified domain name (for example, ignore your configured custom image registry and pull images from the domain specified by that connector.

πŸ› Bug fixes

  • Reduced resource consumption: Instances of Airbyte running multiple connections at a time now consume fewer resources, thanks to optimizations to the airbyte-worker pod.

  • Canceled syncs do not rerun until the next scheduled sync: If you previously cancelled an in-progress sync, and the next sync as configured in the connection frequency was behind schedule, Airbyte would immediately start a new sync. In practice, many users had to choose to β€˜Cancel Sync’ twice in a row to stop moving data. Airbyte now automatically waits until the next scheduled sync to move data.

  • Reduce rate limit errors from the airbyte-cron service: We fixed an issue reported by the community that caused excessive rate limit errors on the airbyte-cron pod when users scheduled connections using the Airbyte CRON capability.

  • Autorecovery for hanging connections: Airbyte now packages a service to detect connections blocked by the unlikely event that a sync becomes stuck, and remains in a perpetual β€˜in-progress’ state without moving data. This heartbeat service will detect syncs that are hanging, and automatically create a new job attempt.

Airbyte 1.3.0

09 Dec 22:12
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It's already December! We are excited to release the following set of improvements and changes.

πŸš€ Platform Changes

  • Improved Log Viewer and Filtering: You can now quickly filter to error or warning logs when needed, as well as by log source - such as the source connector, destination connector, or platform. Together, this allows you to quickly diagnose issues with Airbyte connections if they arise, reducing time to resolution on issues.

Improved Log Viewer

  • OpenShift Support: Starting today, Airbyte supports deployments to OpenShift. This is the culmination of a journey over much of the past year: we've updated our platform and connectors to be rootless, we've improved pod to pod communication within our platform, and made a wide number of security improvements. To succeed, the user running helm deployment commands needs to be a cluster-admin user. Your Kubernetes namespace will also require the following annotations to ensure that all of the Airbyte resources run as UID 1000 and GID 1000. If you run into any edge cases or issues deploying to OpenShift, as always, please let us know by opening a GitHub issue. 1000/1 1000/1

πŸš€ Self-Managed Enterprise Changes

  • Compliance Mappers in Airbyte API: Airbyte Self-Managed Enterprise now supports field hashing, field encryption (with self-managed encryption keys), field renaming and row filtering for connections from a common interface available in the Airbyte API. This functionality is coming soon to the Airbyte UI. To get started, see our API documentation.

Mappers API Example

Airbyte 1.2.0

07 Nov 16:53
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Happy Halloween! We are excited to release the following set of improvements and changes.

πŸš€ Platform Changes

  • File Transfers: Airbyte now supports transferring unstructured text data, non-text data and compressed files. This capability is in early access, and currently only available for moving data from the "SFTP Bulk" source to the "S3" destination. Support in the "S3" source is coming soon. File transfers allow you to copy raw files in Airbyte without parsing their contents. Bits are copied into the destination exactly as they appeared in the source. This is recommended for use with unstructured text data, non-text and compressed files. We currently support copying files up to 1GB in size. This is an entirely new way of moving data through Airbyte, as all pre-existing data movement methods involved parsing individual records.


  • Custom Image Registry Support: Introduces support for specifying a custom Docker registry from which all platform images are pulled. This should simplify helm chart configurations for users who require images to be pulled from internally approved image repositories. Configuring the following will prefix all docker images with The value provided in the registry field must have a trailing slash:
  • XML Support in the Connector Builder: Airbyte now supports custom API connectors built via the Airbyte Connector Builder which return responses as XML format.


πŸš€ Self-Managed Enterprise Changes

  • Runner RBAC Role: Users provisioned with the 'Runner' role are able to start or stop syncs, and run backfills for individual connections (in the workspaces where they've been granted Runner permissions). Outside of these explicit tasks, users with the 'Runner' role have an entirely read-only experience (Self-Managed Enterprise only).


  • Self-Managed Diagnostics: Diagnostics have been expanded to include deployment statistics. Diagnostics can be downloaded through the Organization Settings page. This exports a .zip file which can be easily shared with Airbyte Support (Self-Managed Enterprise only).
  • Removing SSO Users: You may now remove SSO users from your Airbyte Organization. This removes them from the list of Organization Members.

Airbyte 1.1.0

03 Oct 18:26
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πŸš€ Features

The 1.1.0 release includes the following enhancements and bug fixes.

Platform Releases

  • Adds field hashing for Self-Managed Enterprise

  • Adds the Connection Timeline, replacing the Job History for a connection. For assistance with the migration of existing jobs to the new timeline events, follow our guide.

  • Redesigned the schema tab to improve the selection & deselection of streams and fields. Sync modes, cursor fields, and primary keys are also selected here.

Schema Tab

  • Custom Docker-based connectors can now be renamed and deleted

Support Experience

  • Diagnostics can be downloaded through the Organization Settings page, which will export a JSON file to facilitate sharing with Support. This JSON file includes relevant infrastructure and connection information. (Self-Managed Enterprise only)

Billing & Licenses

  • Self-Managed Enterprise users can now view directly in the UI when the license is expiring.


See the Full Changelog

Airbyte 1.0

24 Sep 13:04
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airbyte v1.0.0

Official launch page:

This page includes new features and improvements to the Airbyte products we're excited to share as a part of the 1.0 release. Airbyte v1.0 contains many improvements and additions to enhance the reliability, scalability, and uses of Airbyte.

Moving forward, Airbyte will release official new platform versions on a monthly cadence, with the associated changelog.

Ease of deployment

  • abctl is the easiest, quickest way to get started with Airbyte Self-managed. See our quickstart docs for more details.

  • Native authentication by email and password is available so that any instance of Airbyte is secure by default.

Proven Reliability

  • Automatic detection of dropped records ensures data is passed without fail through the Airbyte platform.

  • Enhanced our notification suite to enable webhook integrations and added more contextual information about sync failures or schema changes.

  • Connections now offer rate limited messaging, improved error handling, and live monitoring of ongoing syncs.

  • Many sources, in particular S3, have become faster. With CDK 2.0, the protocol now uses Pydantic V2 and removes the serialization of each record. We also improved Databricks and S3 destinations to enable faster sync speeds, checkpointing, and modernization to our Destinations V2 framework.

Resiliency at Scale

  • Refreshes bring an improved experience to resyncing all of your data again. This enables data to never be deleted from final tables during a historical resyncing of data.

  • Resumable Full Refresh allows for large streams syncing in Full Refresh to sync without failures.

  • Our database sources added resumability to reduce failures and stay resilient when incoming data is inconsistent. We gracefully handle record-level error in the destination field _airbyte_meta.errrors for large records or mistyped data. Read more in our typing & deduping documentation.

  • Large initial CDC syncs are gracefully handled by consuming WAL and acknowledges logs periodically to ensure disk space is freed in a timely manner.

  • Workloads provide a more scalable and reliable architecture to run sync jobs by separating scheduling and orchestration from data movement tasks. This improvement unlocks more automated management of workloads by managing job spikes and enables horizontal scaling (for Cloud and Enterprise users).

Tackling the long-tail of connectors

  • We launched our connector Marketplace for our community-maintained connectors. Automated testing ensures our connectors stay high quality, and most connectors have been migrated to low/no-code.

  • The Connector Builder seamlessly switches between UI and YAML modes, supports custom components, and contains extensive testing and error handling.

  • AI Assist now builds connectors from scratch for you with just a link to the API docs.

  • Anyone can now contribute new connectors directly from the builder to add a new connector directly to Airbyte's Marketplace. Additionally, connectors can be forked directly from the UI for faster edits, ensuring our connectors stay up-to-date.

  • Airbyte supports writing to several vector store destinations, including pgVector, Pinecone, and Snowflake Cortex.

Self-Managed Enterprise

Self-Managed Enterprise extends on Airbyte 1.0 by introducing new classes of functionality: multitenancy and access management, enterprise source connectors , sensitive data masking and enterprise support – all while data never leaves your infrastructure.

  • Support for Okta and OpenID Connect (OIDC) SSO
  • Availability of Role-based Access Control and multitenancy
  • Columns can now be hashed to protect sensitive data


  • To ensure adherence to security best practices, Airbyte is migrating all connectors to non-root versions. It is highly recommended that you upgrade your platform version to v0.63.9 or later before October 2024 to ensure your syncs continue to succeed.

  • As we prepare to deprecate Docker Compose, we published a migration guide for those migrating from Docker Compose to abctl.


18 Sep 14:26
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2e62443 [source-postgres/mysql/mssql/mongodb-v2] Use latest CDK to adopt latest apache sshd mina to handle tcpkeepalive requests (#45639)
398a1bb source-buzzsprout contribution from btkcodedev (#45608)
ed214d0 [cdk] upgrade apache mina sshd to 2.13.2 to handle openssh tcpkeepalive request (#45638)
5f93772 [ISSUE_TEMPLATE] replace deprecated docker template for ai-assist (#45629)
6d74db7 change signature of orphanedThreadFilter (#45469)
6469111 [source-mysql-v2] cdk and spec change for ssl (#45351)


17 Sep 20:24
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6502f92 πŸ› Source Greenhouse: faster check stream (#45625)
4027d0e [docs] add troubleshooting abctl page + move trb. from quickstarts (#45460)
28f8214 πŸ€– Cut version 5.6.0 of source-declarative-manifest
c5cff57 πŸ€– minor bump Python CDK to version 5.6.0
199a807 [airbyte-cdk] Decouple request_options_provider from datetime_based_cursor + concurrent_cursor features for low-code (#45413)


17 Sep 17:59
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daee3b6 Destination Iceberg: Fix tests to run in airbyte-ci (#45206)
912bc77 docs: add the type: external to the db docs. (#45466)
5cb27b1 source-nylas contribution from topefolorunso (#45093)
86b34f6 source-brevo contribution from btkcodedev (#45382)
1fdd06f source-appfigures contribution from btkcodedev (#45332)
8a4e875 source-shortcut contribution from btkcodedev (#45176)
328fd87 source-survicate contribution from btkcodedev (#45163)
42a26d2 source-buildkite contribution from btkcodedev (#45384)
fa67b6a source-front contribution from btkcodedev (#45387)
37af2f0 source-google-tasks contribution from btkcodedev (#45427)
a85de6f source-picqer contribution from btkcodedev (#45159)
c6530c9 source-teamwork contribution from btkcodedev (#45155)
b6deeb3 source-appcues contribution from btkcodedev (#45102)
368b5c2 source-bitly contribution from topefolorunso (#45071)
891fa03 source-guru contribution from btkcodedev (#45066)
56fcf5e source-canny contribution from pabloescoder (#45588)
f813e93 source-ezofficeinventory contribution from pabloescoder (#45590)
b17df3f Bulk Load CDK: AirbyteType & AirbyteValue, marshaling from json (#45430)
ace4e82 Destination CDK: Make DAT open to disable for iceberg (#45602)
91013e1 Bulk Core/Load CDK: Support for connector-type-specific non-config sp… (#45463)
9ae2cbe ✨ feat(Destination PGVector): new connector (#45428)
bb1adbe ✨ Source GetLago: feat customer usage (#45452)
f6fd017 fix(source-google-search-console): fix request body for report streams by keyword (#45196)
4559c75 πŸ›Bug(Source hubspot): add missing scope in docs (#45585)
5f2774d πŸ™ source-us-census: run up-to-date pipeline [2024-09-14] (#44364)
2c90bca πŸ™ source-hubspot: run up-to-date pipeline [2024-09-14] (#45018)
13df95b πŸ™ source-chargebee: run up-to-date pipeline [2024-09-14] (#45254)
4a843fa πŸ™ source-shopify: run up-to-date pipeline [2024-09-14] (#45255)
3d84c48 πŸ™ destination-rabbitmq: run up-to-date pipeline [2024-09-14] (#45293)
5642f2c πŸ™ source-unleash: run up-to-date pipeline [2024-09-14] (#45295)
917708d πŸ™ source-webflow: run up-to-date pipeline [2024-09-14] (#45296)
77e18da πŸ™ source-recurly: run up-to-date pipeline [2024-09-14] (#45471)
cd546bd πŸ™ source-orb: run up-to-date pipeline [2024-09-14] (#45472)
77db6ec πŸ™ source-mixpanel: run up-to-date pipeline [2024-09-14] (#45473)
d052a8a πŸ™ source-apple-search-ads: run up-to-date pipeline [2024-09-14] (#45474)
c27f183 πŸ™ source-younium: run up-to-date pipeline [2024-09-14] (#45475)
107911a πŸ™ source-greenhouse: run up-to-date pipeline [2024-09-14] (#45476)
d73fac7 πŸ™ source-snapchat-marketing: run up-to-date pipeline [2024-09-14] (#45477)
6ed3b11 πŸ™ source-rki-covid: run up-to-date pipeline [2024-09-14] (#45478)
4ad7c74 πŸ™ source-apify-dataset: run up-to-date pipeline [2024-09-14] (#45479)
f741b19 πŸ™ destination-duckdb: run up-to-date pipeline [2024-09-14] (#45480)
2a97f35 πŸ™ destination-vectara: run up-to-date pipeline [2024-09-14] (#45481)
0db707d πŸ™ source-microsoft-dataverse: run up-to-date pipeline [2024-09-14] (#45482)
0d3882f πŸ™ source-close-com: run up-to-date pipeline [2024-09-14] (#45483)
fd6a368 πŸ™ source-yahoo-finance-price: run up-to-date pipeline [2024-09-14] (#45484)
95bef61 πŸ™ source-zenloop: run up-to-date pipeline [2024-09-14] (#45485)
50021cc πŸ™ source-fastbill: run up-to-date pipeline [2024-09-14] (#45486)
deb0b1e πŸ™ source-pocket: run up-to-date pipeline [2024-09-14] (#45487)
b953c55 πŸ™ source-tiktok-marketing: run up-to-date pipeline [2024-09-14] (#45488)
98aa7dc πŸ™ destination-snowflake-cortex: run up-to-date pipeline [2024-09-14] (#45489)
0099c63 πŸ™ destination-pinecone: run up-to-date pipeline [2024-09-14] (#45490)
1f721c1 πŸ™ destination-typesense: run up-to-date pipeline [2024-09-14] (#45491)
c43c6e8 πŸ™ source-gcs: run up-to-date pipeline [2024-09-14] (#45492)
d7295a6 πŸ™ source-kyve: run up-to-date pipeline [2024-09-14] (#45493)
40e66aa πŸ™ source-convex: run up-to-date pipeline [2024-09-14] (#45494)
b077a60 πŸ™ source-hardcoded-records: run up-to-date pipeline [2024-09-14] (#45496)
61ea043 πŸ™ source-google-ads: run up-to-date pipeline [2024-09-14] (#45497)
3699c5b πŸ™ destination-astra: run up-to-date pipeline [2024-09-14] (#45498)
45a2692 πŸ™ source-file: run up-to-date pipeline [2024-09-14] (#45499)
ca4cf51 πŸ™ source-salesloft: run up-to-date pipeline [2024-09-14] (#45500)
0f4cda0 πŸ™ source-amplitude: run up-to-date pipeline [2024-09-14] (#45501)
7eeddee πŸ™ source-outbrain-amplify: run up-to-date pipeline [2024-09-14] (#45502)
254cb86 πŸ™ source-google-analytics-data-api: run up-to-date pipeline [2024-09-14] (#45503)
42d24dd πŸ™ source-s3: run up-to-date pipeline [2024-09-14] (#45504)
7cdb490 πŸ™ source-firebase-realtime-database: run up-to-date pipeline [2024-09-14] (#45505)
a636bb5 πŸ™ source-partnerstack: run up-to-date pipeline [2024-09-14] (#45506)
9cf4b7f πŸ™ source-n8n: run up-to-date pipeline [2024-09-14] (#45507)
3726570 πŸ™ source-flexport: run up-to-date pipeline [2024-09-14] (#45508)
63d1366 πŸ™ source-pardot: run up-to-date pipeline [2024-09-14] (#45509)
aa1455d πŸ™ source-appsflyer: run up-to-date pipeline [2024-09-14] (#45510)
6bef8c9 πŸ™ source-adjust: run up-to-date pipeline [2024-09-14] (#45511)
54ee166 πŸ™ source-instatus: run up-to-date pipeline [2024-09-14] (#45514)
fb3220e πŸ™ source-public-apis: run up-to-date pipeline [2024-09-14] (#45515)
d29ebda πŸ™ destination-xata: run up-to-date pipeline [2024-09-14] (#45516)
190c68f πŸ™ source-quickbooks: run up-to-date pipeline [2024-09-14] (#45517)
73d8073 πŸ™ source-iterable: run up-to-date pipeline [2024-09-14] (#45518)
f119e43 πŸ™ source-surveymonkey: run up-to-date pipeline [2024-09-14] (#45519)
9379f40 πŸ™ source-recharge: run up-to-date pipeline [2024-09-14] (#45520)
2172303 πŸ™ source-qonto: run up-to-date pipeline [2024-09-14] (#45521)
3c5f50a πŸ™ source-freshcaller: run up-to-date pipeline [2024-09-14] (#45522)
0a86081 πŸ™ source-zoom: run up-to-date pipeline [2024-09-14] (#45523)
cb7626c πŸ™ source-zendesk-talk: run up-to-date pipeline [2024-09-14] (#45524)
bc1d01c πŸ™ source-sendgrid: run up-to-date pipeline [2024-09-14] (#45525)
0b76f31 πŸ™ destination-qdrant: run up-to-date pipeline [2024-09-14] (#45526)
bb3bcbc πŸ™ source-qualaroo: run up-to-date pipeline [2024-09-14] (#45527)
1514b27 πŸ™ source-onesignal: run up-to-date pipeline [2024-09-14] (#45528)
6a00964 πŸ™ source-gridly: run up-to-date pipeline [2024-09-14] (#45529)
43787d6 πŸ™ source-klaviyo: run up-to-date pipeline [2024-09-14] (#45530)
0c65ad4 πŸ™ destination-databend: run up-to-date pipeline [2024-09-14] (#45531)
6402d34 πŸ™ source-linkedin-ads: run up-to-date pipeline [2024-09-14] (#45532)
a1e2808 πŸ™ destination-aws-datalake: run up-to-date pipeline [2024-09-14] (#45533)
c97e92a πŸ™ source-woocommerce: run up-to-date pipeline [2024-09-14] (#45534)
29afd09 πŸ™ source-postmarkapp: run up-to-date pipeline [2024-09-14] (#45535)
2e5b925 πŸ™ source-yandex-metrica: run up-to-date pipeline [2024-09-14] (#45536)
bd4ea25 πŸ™ source-harvest: run up-to-date pipeline [2024-09-14] (#45537)
cb59367 πŸ™ source-rss: run up-to-date pipeline [2024-09-14] (#45538)
c6f2a32 πŸ™ source-bigcommerce: run up-to-date pipeline [2024-09-14] (#45539)
0f81a1e πŸ™ source-google-directory: run up-to-date pipeline [2024-09-14] (#45540)
728e9ee πŸ™ source-gnews: run up-to-date pipeline [2024-09-14] (#45541)
178efe9 πŸ™ source-bamboo-hr: run up-to-date pipeline [2024-09-14] (#45542)
e1d41b9 πŸ™ source-okta: run up-to-date pipeline [2024-09-14] (#45543)
fedec7e πŸ™ source-azure-table: run up-to-date pipeline [2024-09-14] (#45544)
35ce98e πŸ™ source-genesys: run up-to-date pipeline [2024-09-14] (#45545)
7db5473 πŸ™ source-zendesk-sunshine: run up-to-date pipeline [2024-09-14] (#45546)
85bd41f πŸ™ source-asana: run up-to-date pipeline [2024-09-14] (#45547)
938d188 πŸ™ source-amazon-ads: run up-to-date pipeline [2024-09-14] (#45548)
b92992c πŸ™ source-commcare: run up-to-date pipeline [2024-09-14] (#45549)
151f55e πŸ™ source-square: run up-to-date pipeline [2024-09-14] (#45550)
f58d91d πŸ™ source-surveycto: run up-to-date pipeline [2024-09-14] (#45551)
8b8e2f0 πŸ™ source-commercetools: run up-to-date pipeline [2024-09-14] (#45552)
cb4d131 πŸ™ source-alpha-vantage: run up-to-date pipeline [2024-09-14] (#45554)
c4f68f2 πŸ™ source-braintree: run up-to-date pipeline [2024-09-14] (#45555)
06decd3 πŸ™ source-pipedrive: run up-to-date pipeline [2024-09-14] (#45556)
a4a1ab8 πŸ™ source-github: run up-to-date pipeline [2024-09-14] (#45557)
d1e98a9 πŸ™ source-trustpilot: run up-to-date pipeline [2024-09-14] (#45558)
20f739c πŸ™ source-tplcentral: run up-to-date pipeline [2024-09-14] (#45559)
37359fb πŸ™ destination-weaviate: run up-to-date pipeline [2024-09-14] (#45560)
85457a1 πŸ™ source-zendesk-support: run up-to-date pipeline [2024-09-14] (#45561)
e5cd6de πŸ™ destination-firebolt: run up-to-date pipeline [2024-09-14] (#45562)
7d1e65a πŸ™ source-facebook-pages: run up-to-date pipeline [2024-09-14] (#45563)
fae0a8c πŸ™ source-looker: run up-to-date pipeline [2024-09-14] (#45564)
054510c πŸ™ source-jina-ai-reader: run up-to-date pipeline [2024-09-14] (#45565)
2a55f49 πŸ™ source-pinterest: run up-to-date pipeline [2024-09-14] (#45566)
44b18a1 πŸ™ source-faker: run up-to-date pipeline [2024-09-14] (#45567)
1e9ff52 πŸ™ destination-timeplus: run up-to-date pipeline [2024-09-14] (#45568)
f3453c7 πŸ™ source-kyriba: run up-to-date pipeline [2024-09-14] (#45569)
f0bc43e πŸ™ source-posthog: run up-to-date pipeline [2024-09-14] (#45570)
efa3a05 πŸ™ source-linnworks: run up-to-date pipeline [2024-09-14] (#45571)
781a41c πŸ™ source-firebolt: run up-to-date pipeline [2024-09-14] (#45572)
490d24e πŸ™ destination-milvus: run up-to-date pipeline [2024-09-14] (#45573)
579574b πŸ™ source-aws-cloudtrail: run up-to-date pipeline [2024-09-14] (...

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13 Sep 18:06
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8d04d84 Destination databricks: move to intengrations (#45439)
318a237 docs: Fix misspelling successful (#45426)
647a3e8 Docs: add note about migrating docker uses external integrations (#45406)
5dbce81 airbyte-ci: improve QA checks for airbyte-enterprise (#45393)
a135236 add .kotlin to the .gitignore (#45404)
19335d6 [source-us-census] fix empty fields after sync (#45331)
7056428 Bulk Load CDK: State -> Checkpoint & flush at end (#45377)
b00dac8 feat(source-stripe): ref stream Payment Methods (#44891)
e679191 ✨ Source Sendgrid: Move contacts stream to async declarative component (#45191)
e4fec50 bulk-cdk: improve AirbyteConnectorRunner and CliRunner (#45374)
03584d5 [source-mysql/mssql] Fix state manager on determining non-resumable streams (#45181)
b6825ee Bulk Load CDK: Simply Interface & Add Check (#45369)
41a242b Remove logging of unhandled debezium events (#45368)
e4c26e8 live-test: improve error message when the selected connection did not run the control version (#45335)
8d7b191 [Source-mysql-v2] : Support to add CDC option (#45366)
5761f46 πŸ€– Cut version 5.5.2 of source-declarative-manifest
9781dd5 πŸ€– patch bump Python CDK to version 5.5.2
e6659ad airbyte-cdk: poetry lock before release (#45365)
b672bc0 Remove pandas from extras in file-based (#45362)
e00eaf6 [Source-mysql-v2] : Fix tests to be passing on local (#45363)
eb018e6 πŸ€– Cut version 5.5.1 of source-declarative-manifest
40a7c94 πŸ€– patch bump Python CDK to version 5.5.1
9bcfa3d source-mysql-v2: set supportLevel to community (#45341)
b2e63f2 airbyte-ci: relax docs qa checks when sl == 0 (#45360)
c3c8423 .github: fix airbyte-ci-release.yml (#45361)
21348af ref(source-stripe): remove stripe py-package (#45348)
ba63c03 feat(source-zendesk-support): add automations and triggers streams (#44610)
8332ddc πŸ€– Cut version 5.5.0 of source-declarative-manifest
c3048c6 πŸ€– minor bump Python CDK to version 5.5.0
6baf254 feat(cdk): add async job components (#45178)
254f34a πŸ€– Cut version 5.4.0 of source-declarative-manifest
698be7e πŸ€– minor bump Python CDK to version 5.4.0
e3ce82e feat(airbyte-cdk): add global_state => per_partition transformation (#45122)
bd20b74 πŸ€– Cut version 5.3.0 of source-declarative-manifest
e2d8c23 πŸ€– minor bump Python CDK to version 5.3.0
41b8585 fix(connector-builder): add flag to disable cache (#45095)
52744ec feat(source-getlago): ignore 405 response for customer usage (#45193)
bb1833c Destination Databricks: Create namespace if missing in CHECK (#45208)
58989b0 metadata-service[orchestrator]: avoid "too large" errors in generate_registry_reports (#45336)
7ffcd3d feat(source-shopify): update CDK to v5 (#45190)
f216a60 πŸ“š docs: Enable ERDs for 10 top sources. (#45085)
a8e3837 fix(source-delighted): update end_datetime macro (#44601)
4420264 Update Docs: adding Orchestra to the 'Integrating with Airbyte' section (#44701)
06f8a2b ✨ Destination Timeplus: fix issues in README and upgrade timeplus and cdk (#44758)
e24fcd7 πŸ™ source-harvest: run up-to-date pipeline [2024-09-07] (#44986)
7623ebb πŸ™ source-square: run up-to-date pipeline [2024-09-07] (#45045)
6383732 πŸ™ source-linkedin-ads: run up-to-date pipeline [2024-09-07] (#45209)
1dc3a51 πŸ™ source-bamboo-hr: run up-to-date pipeline [2024-09-07] (#45210)
a4cb53a πŸ™ source-firebolt: run up-to-date pipeline [2024-09-07] (#45211)
501c8a9 πŸ™ source-orb: run up-to-date pipeline [2024-09-07] (#45212)
4db089b πŸ™ destination-xata: run up-to-date pipeline [2024-09-07] (#45213)
790e516 πŸ™ source-smartsheets: run up-to-date pipeline [2024-09-07] (#45214)
413226b πŸ™ source-zendesk-support: run up-to-date pipeline [2024-09-07] (#45215)
5489088 πŸ™ destination-weaviate: run up-to-date pipeline [2024-09-07] (#45216)
647bca3 πŸ™ destination-qdrant: run up-to-date pipeline [2024-09-07] (#45217)
9f85142 πŸ™ destination-timeplus: run up-to-date pipeline [2024-09-07] (#45218)
d19e884 πŸ™ source-kyve: run up-to-date pipeline [2024-09-07] (#45219)
f12c5dc πŸ™ source-zoom: run up-to-date pipeline [2024-09-07] (#45220)
583f9f6 πŸ™ source-iterable: run up-to-date pipeline [2024-09-07] (#45221)
81e2f24 πŸ™ source-adjust: run up-to-date pipeline [2024-09-07] (#45222)
be3eeb4 πŸ™ source-rss: run up-to-date pipeline [2024-09-07] (#45223)
d985e26 πŸ™ source-microsoft-dataverse: run up-to-date pipeline [2024-09-07] (#45224)
c7c060d πŸ™ source-pocket: run up-to-date pipeline [2024-09-07] (#45225)
5f749d4 πŸ™ source-trustpilot: run up-to-date pipeline [2024-09-07] (#45227)
5b80ed8 πŸ™ source-onesignal: run up-to-date pipeline [2024-09-07] (#45228)
d8e5dc8 πŸ™ source-greenhouse: run up-to-date pipeline [2024-09-07] (#45229)
9e2d3cf πŸ™ source-woocommerce: run up-to-date pipeline [2024-09-07] (#45230)
692b2e9 πŸ™ source-quickbooks: run up-to-date pipeline [2024-09-07] (#45231)
51852fe πŸ™ source-gcs: run up-to-date pipeline [2024-09-07] (#45232)
70b058a πŸ™ source-appsflyer: run up-to-date pipeline [2024-09-07] (#45234)
2c66e54 πŸ™ source-my-hours: run up-to-date pipeline [2024-09-07] (#45235)
d68365e πŸ™ source-yahoo-finance-price: run up-to-date pipeline [2024-09-07] (#45236)
06a0c7a πŸ™ destination-databend: run up-to-date pipeline [2024-09-07] (#45237)
e514a7f πŸ™ source-salesloft: run up-to-date pipeline [2024-09-07] (#45238)
fd15904 πŸ™ source-sendgrid: run up-to-date pipeline [2024-09-07] (#45239)
e3e1b63 πŸ™ source-outbrain-amplify: run up-to-date pipeline [2024-09-07] (#45240)
bd999bd πŸ™ source-posthog: run up-to-date pipeline [2024-09-07] (#45241)
9031eba πŸ™ source-qonto: run up-to-date pipeline [2024-09-07] (#45242)
b6aedaa πŸ™ source-retently: run up-to-date pipeline [2024-09-07] (#45243)
4a658c7 πŸ™ source-klaviyo: run up-to-date pipeline [2024-09-07] (#45244)
8821181 πŸ™ destination-firebolt: run up-to-date pipeline [2024-09-07] (#45245)
d8bc3e5 πŸ™ source-bing-ads: run up-to-date pipeline [2024-09-07] (#45246)
1ef6a1d πŸ™ destination-pinecone: run up-to-date pipeline [2024-09-07] (#45247)
2c894e8 πŸ™ source-azure-table: run up-to-date pipeline [2024-09-07] (#45248)
deafa24 πŸ™ source-zenloop: run up-to-date pipeline [2024-09-07] (#45249)
ca4184c πŸ™ source-fastbill: run up-to-date pipeline [2024-09-07] (#45251)
cbb36e6 πŸ™ source-apify-dataset: run up-to-date pipeline [2024-09-07] (#45252)
71d7f45 πŸ™ source-alpha-vantage: run up-to-date pipeline [2024-09-07] (#45253)
eb5e93f πŸ™ source-s3: run up-to-date pipeline [2024-09-07] (#45257)
d4811a0 πŸ™ source-surveycto: run up-to-date pipeline [2024-09-07] (#45258)
36b8fa9 πŸ™ source-postmarkapp: run up-to-date pipeline [2024-09-07] (#45259)
f4c59a6 πŸ™ source-qualaroo: run up-to-date pipeline [2024-09-07] (#45260)
004fae9 πŸ™ source-file: run up-to-date pipeline [2024-09-07] (#45261)
f88f164 πŸ™ source-linnworks: run up-to-date pipeline [2024-09-07] (#45262)
517e359 πŸ™ source-google-ads: run up-to-date pipeline [2024-09-07] (#45263)
4b03cbc πŸ™ source-mixpanel: run up-to-date pipeline [2024-09-07] (#45264)
14873d6 πŸ™ destination-typesense: run up-to-date pipeline [2024-09-07] (#45265)
686064c πŸ™ source-commcare: run up-to-date pipeline [2024-09-07] (#45266)
31ac39a πŸ™ source-convex: run up-to-date pipeline [2024-09-07] (#45267)
08b7be8 πŸ™ source-google-directory: run up-to-date pipeline [2024-09-07] (#45268)
936e29a πŸ™ source-typeform: run up-to-date pipeline [2024-09-07] (#45269)
2a0da17 πŸ™ source-tiktok-marketing: run up-to-date pipeline [2024-09-07] (#45270)
420ea9b πŸ™ source-n8n: run up-to-date pipeline [2024-09-07] (#45271)
c13a810 πŸ™ source-firebase-realtime-database: run up-to-date pipeline [2024-09-07] (#45272)
9b21114 πŸ™ source-public-apis: run up-to-date pipeline [2024-09-07] (#45273)
bcbc1ff πŸ™ source-recurly: run up-to-date pipeline [2024-09-07] (#45274)
abf2d54 πŸ™ source-instatus: run up-to-date pipeline [2024-09-07] (#45275)
4d6e51c πŸ™ source-younium: run up-to-date pipeline [2024-09-07] (#45276)
305ace9 πŸ™ source-asana: run up-to-date pipeline [2024-09-07] (#45277)
d9452a5 πŸ™ source-snapchat-marketing: run up-to-date pipeline [2024-09-07] (#45278)
d50b4d8 πŸ™ source-hardcoded-records: run up-to-date pipeline [2024-09-07] (#45280)
683d8e8 πŸ™ destination-milvus: run up-to-date pipeline [2024-09-07] (#45281)
afd03d9 πŸ™ source-pinterest: run up-to-date pipeline [2024-09-07] (#45283)
1141d96 πŸ™ source-rki-covid: run up-to-date pipeline [2024-09-07] (#45284)
219e3e0 πŸ™ source-outreach: run up-to-date pipeline [2024-09-07] (#45285)
54e2a9d πŸ™ source-jina-ai-reader: run up-to-date pipeline [2024-09-07] (#45286)
2bc9ad5 πŸ™ source-commercetools: run up-to-date pipeline [2024-09-07] (#45287)
e186cba πŸ™ destination-duckdb: run up-to-date pipeline [2024-09-07] (#45288)
5fb4e98 πŸ™ source-google-analytics-data-api: run up-to-date pipeline [2024-09-07] (#45289)
b064517 πŸ™ source-gnews: run up-to-date pipeline [2024-09-07] (#45290)
4b2767c πŸ™ destination-cumulio: run up-to-date pipeline [2024-09-07] (#45291)
36f33b9 πŸ™ source-bigcommerce: run up-to-date pipeline [2024-09-07] (#45292)
7ab09e3 πŸ™ source-partnerstack: run up-to-date pipeline [2024-09-07] (#45294)
2dfd318 πŸ™ source-datadog: run up-to-date pipeline [2024-09-07] (#45297)
0bf0570 πŸ™ source-zendesk-sunshine: run up-to-date pipeline [2024-09-07] (#45298)
0f7f0d8 πŸ™ source-tplcentral: run up-to-date pipeline [2024-09-07] (#45299)
4991614 πŸ™ source-close-com: run up-to-date pipeline [2024-09-07] (#45300)
53cde69 πŸ™ source-zendesk-talk: run up-to-date pipeline [2024-09-07] (#45301)
4c2f4de πŸ™ source-genesys: run up-to-date pipeline [2024-09-07] (#45302)
ca8c0e5 πŸ™ source-pipedrive: run up-to-date pipeline [2024-09-07] (#45303)
1afd37b πŸ™ source-aws-cloudtrail: run up-to-date pipeline [2024-09-07] (#45304)
a745a36 πŸ™ source-looker: run up-to-date pipeline [2024-09-07] (#45305)
a12de6b πŸ™ source-kyriba: run up-to-date pipeline [2024-09-07] (#45...

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