Lista de eventos tech que acontecem no Brasil
Uma tabela colaborativa e atualizada com eventos de cibersegurança no Brasil e no mundo. Inclui conferências, workshops, CTFs e outros eventos relevantes para a comunidade de segurança.
「☣」Unofficial (recreated) code for kill-floor.exe malware
POC/Demo hiding taint message from /dev/kmsg and dmesg.
Git-eXposed is a tool designed to detect and extract sensitive information from exposed Git repositories
ModTracer Finds Hidden Linux Kernel Rootkits and then make visible again.
A simple LKM that uses ftrace to hook sys_kill
Bypass the Event Trace Windows(ETW) and unhook ntdll.
This is a simple process injection made in C for Linux systems
NullSection is an Anti-Reversing tool that applies a technique that overwrites the section header with nullbytes.
SQL Injection Vulnerability Scanner made with Python
Demonized Shell is an Advanced Tool for persistence in linux.
「 📁」All files and code that are in the papers will be here
「🔄」A simple code that will load a shellcode directly into RAM memory in a new process
「⚙️」Detect which native Windows API's (NtAPI) are being hooked
「💥」CVE-2022-4944: KodExplorer <= 4.49 - CSRF to Arbitrary File Upload
「🔑」A tool used to hunt down API key leaks in JS files and pages
A list of malware I developed during high school and college.
Utilizando o poder da tecnologia AlienVaultOTX, a Alopra pode extrair URLs de maneira rápida.🔥