I'm a software engineer with a passion for food, dogs, videogames and open source software, i'm currently working on my master degree at UNIBO and i'm also working as a devops engineer and system administrator at Laboratori Guglielmo Marconi
My knowledge revolves around architectures, deployment, administration and development of distributed systems with a focus on application and hardware monitoring, i'm also interested in the computer vision and computer graphics fields.
Some interesting projects i have done over the years:
- personal homelab project managed trough ansible and terraform 🛻
- tatodrone: computer graphics web application 🚁
- simulation of an IoT environment using edgex tecnology
- computer vision project to sense depth and object with a drone video input
- mini development environment using arch, neovim and docker 🐳
- telegram bot for home management 🤖
- cli tool to transfer file using TCP protocol 🗃️
- make backups of repository of a github account 💾
- personal dotfiles
I also host a personal blog where i post some interesting stuff about my digital life 😊
Here are also my personal notes for university courses (some of them are written in Italian):
- computer graphics
- computer vision
- mobile systems
- datamining
- information security
- languages and computational models
- technologies for databases and big data
- system administration
- Bachelor's Degree in Computer Engineering At UNIBO
- high school diploma At I.T.I.S.-E.Mattei-Urbino