Open reproducible dataset on static site generators (SSG) popularity.
The unofficial Python client for the Coinbase Pro API
Example of python trading api code to quote on LedgerX
Client for the LedgerX exchange (BTC and ETH derivatives)
Node.js API client for the Poloniex cryptocurrency exchange
Minimal implementation of the Mimblewimble protocol.
Python Dash app that tracks whale activity in cryptocurrency markets.
The goal of this repository is to demonstrate how to stream data from an EC2 to a remote MongoDB instance hosted on another EC2.
A JavaScript / TypeScript / Python / C# / PHP / Go cryptocurrency trading API with support for more than 100 bitcoin/altcoin exchanges
A framework for building integrations and APIs
Flexible and powerful data analysis / manipulation library for Python, providing labeled data structures similar to R data.frame objects, statistical functions, and much more
Real-time Coinbase Exchange (GDAX) order book + basic market maker bot