Desafio de Projeto sobre Git/GitHub.
Landing Page de uma empresa de turismos fictícia.
Reconstrução da página de login do Instagram
Repositório desenvolvido com o apoio do curso "Introdução básica ao TypeScript", da Digital Innovation One.
The program consists of a Music Player and was created to exercise my knowledge in Vue.JS.
A dumper that generates mappings (.usmap) files for datamining Unreal Engine games.
An open source plugin for unreal engine kickstarting your development of first person shooters!
import mesh, skeleton, animation from psk, psa files to blender3d
UEShaderScript is a free Blender Plugin that allows for saving and dynamically loading shader maps and textures. It is built for all 3d assets exported from Unreal Engine.
Sneaky Kitty Gaming's tutorial series project
Blender addon to export UE4 Datasmith format