Triangle optimizations
Scene | Standard | Vector3 | Inline | AVX 256 |
Dragons | 22 s | 17 s | 7 s | 3 s |
Christmas | 11 s | 9 s | 4 s | 3 s |
Bonus chapter: Bounding Volume hierarchy

BVH | #Tri. Inters. | # Box Inters. | Time (1 thread) |
No | 7512 M | 2.6 M | 325 s |
Yes | 347 M | 14.3 M | 15 s |
Ratio | x 22 | / 5.5 | x 22 |
Chapter 11: Reflection and Refraction

Thanks to Javan Makhmali I wanted to check my ray tracer was correct so I got the same scene as him to compare results.