Toban is a simplest way to record contribution and distribute rewards.
Projects that involve a diverse people, such as open source development, collaborative works by multiple creators, and volunteer activities, and in which the people involved change one after another, can be very exciting, but they also have their own unique difficulties.
For example
- Annoying to Track Works:
- It's very tedious to report what you've accomplished for each task
- Nobody are running a community to measure contributions by weighting each task.
- We always forget anyway lol
- Rewards are required for Long term Contribution
- There is no long-term contribution, just a volunteer spirit
- There is no money to give out of the blue, and no one starts because of money.
- Someone needs to do the housework and chores
- Ladder for Onboarding to the Community
- Few people can participate on their own
- It is difficult to understand the community enough to actually be able to do something
- It's important to have a starting point that makes it easy to contribute something
Therefore, we created Role Based Rewards Distribution system to track contributions and distribute rewards by role.
Core features are
- Manage responsibilities and rights on rolls
- Track little contributions with P2P token transfer
- Determine the rewards rate based on roll and engaged period
- Distribute rewards quickly to a large number of people
These solutions were combined with ideas from Hats Protocol, Splits, and Protocol Guild.
ContractAddress | Name | Memo |
0x3E70d10aCdcC14B6C31DA26DcC195a6EDf1C2c16 | BigBang | |
0x54889278bf4F16ACAa3CC1402C987A6C42a5308B | FractionToken | |
0x2b44c1F5B0D2a6a39F83effbF48aA09C833EBe12 | SplitsCreatorFactory | |
0x09b853E0945d1c86af10b5665472501bD5F6627c | SplitsCreatorIMPL | |
0x808996331ADD2715854e31e3dd4f9a736DE23604 | HatsTimeFrameModuleIMPL | |
0xbE24C4270B65f68E22CD2e58eD7A61eAF36240a0 | HatsHatCreatorModuleIMPL | |
0x3bc1A0Ad72417f2d411118085256fC53CBdDd137 | Hats | |
0x0a3f85fa597B6a967271286aA0724811acDF5CD9 | HatsModuleFactory | |
0x80f1B766817D04870f115fEBbcCADF8DBF75E017 | PullSplitsFactory |
You must set some ENVs
set below values
VITE_CHAIN_ID=11155111 VITE_PRIVY_APP_ID= VITE_BIGBANG_ADDRESS=0x08B4c53b98f46B14E2AD00189C2Aa3b9F3d0c8f3 VITE_HATS_ADDRESS=0x3bc1A0Ad72417f2d411118085256fC53CBdDd137 VITE_FRACTION_TOKEN_ADDRESS=0xd921517fdF141d97C289bDb9686f51A1375dCc69 VITE_SPLITS_CREATOR_ADDRESS=0x6b5d2e27ff74e9adf4d23aebb9efb52867823583 VITE_PIMLICO_API_KEY= // You need to get pinata jwt, gateway domain and gateway token by yourself. VITE_PINATA_JWT= VITE_PINATA_GATEWAY= VITE_PINATA_GATEWAY_TOKEN= VITE_NAMESTONE_API_KEY= VITE_GOLDSKY_GRAPHQL_ENDPOINT= VITE_ALCHEMY_KEY=
You must set some ENVs
set below values
pnpm install
pnpm document build
pnpm document start
goldsky login
pnpm subgraph prepare:sepolia pnpm subgraph codegen pnpm subgraph build pnpm subgraph deploy:sepolia
pnpm frontend build
pnpm frontend dev
pnpm contract compile
pnpm contract test
pnpm contract coverage
pnpm contract clean
pnpm contract getBalance --network sepolia
pnpm contract getChainInfo --network sepolia
pnpm contract deploy:Lock --network sepolia
pnpm contract deploy:Lock --verify --network sepolia
pnpm contract deploy:all --network sepolia
pnpm contract upgrade:BigBang --network sepolia
pnpm contract upgrade:FractionToken --network sepolia
pnpm contract getContractAddress --contract Lock --network sepolia
pnpm contract registerSubdomain --label <your label> --network sepolia
Please set params when you execute.
pnpm contract bigbang --owner 0x51908F598A5e0d8F1A3bAbFa6DF76F9704daD072 --tophatdetails "tophatDetails" --tophatimageuri "tophatURI" --hatterhatdetails "hatterhatURI" --hatterhatimageuri "tophatDetails" --forwarder 0x51908F598A5e0d8F1A3bAbFa6DF76F9704daD072 --network sepolia
pnpm contract getWoreTime --wearer 0x51908F598A5e0d8F1A3bAbFa6DF76F9704daD072 --network sepolia
pnpm contract mintHat --hatid 17011726346972053710434886519909386955065038130623101235576378067255296 --wearer 0x1295BDc0C102EB105dC0198fdC193588fe66A1e4 --network sepolia