Harvard Medical School
- Cambridge, MA
- 4h behind - https://www.linkedin.com/in/harry-li-724282197/
- Pro
GEARS is a geometric deep learning model that predicts outcomes of novel multi-gene perturbations
A python module to repair invalid JSON from LLMs
Code for reproducing the analysis in Gavish et al. "The transcriptional hallmarks of intra-tumor heterogeneity across a thousand tumors".
Matlab software for the analysis of MERFISH data and the construction of MERFISH probes.
ZhuangLab / MERlin
Forked from emanuega/MERlinMERFISH decoding software
High-throughput Workflow for Processing and Analyzing RNA-Seq Data
dtrain16 / NGS-scripts
Forked from steichten/scriptsScripts for next generation sequencing analyses