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Rust implementation of a Flux parser

Development dependencies

See this guide for a hello world example of using Rust with WASM.

Building the WASM package

Use wasm-pack to build an npm package from the compiled WASM code. You will need to use the clang compiler at least version 8.


Use your distributions package manager to install clang.

$ cd libflux
$ CC=clang wasm-pack build --scope influxdata --dev


MacOS doesn't appear to have a functional version of clang that will work. As such we have created a Dockerfile to abstract these dependencies. To use it run the script which will run all the build command inside the docker container.

$ ./libflux/ --dev

NOTE: The docker image uses a local volume mount at ./libflux/.cache to cache Rust/WASM build artifacts to make builds faster inside the container.

Testing the built WASM package locally

A trivial web app has been created that will load the WASM parser module, call it with a static Flux string, and then log the parsed AST.

Before running it for the first time, you'll have to follow these steps:

  1. Change into the web app directory:

    $ cd libflux/site
  2. Install its dependencies:

    $ yarn
  3. Replace the published @influxdata/flux-parser dependency with a symlink to your locally built WASM package:

    $ cd ../pkg
    $ yarn link
    $ cd ../site
    $ yarn link @influxdata/flux

Now you should be able to run the web app:

$ yarn serve

Navigate to http://localhost:8080 to try it out. This will watch the filesystem and rebuild on changes. As such you should be able to run wasm-pack to get new changes and then refresh the browser to test.

Updating NodeJS Dependencies

On occasion a vulnerability is found in one of the nodejs dependencies of the WASM package. To update the vulnerable dependencies do the following

  1. Change into the web app directory:

    $ cd libflux/site
  2. Install its dependencies locally so you can introspect them:

    $ yarn install
  3. Check for outdated dependencies

    $ npm outdated
  4. Update any dependecies listed as outdated. For example the webpack dependencies is outdate run:

    $ npm update webpack
  5. Finally update the yarn.lock file:

    $ yarn install

Now you can commit the new package.json and yarn.lock files.

Publishing the WASM package

  1. Log into yarn (yarn login) with an account that has access to the influxdata npm organization

  2. Bump the version in libflux/Cargo.toml

  3. Run the publish script:

    $ ./libflux/

    Note that this will create a build optimized for size using the Docker-based process.


Use cargo

$ cd libflux
$ cargo test

Build Go binary

TODO There is nothing to build for Go yet.