<!-* README.md is generated from README.Rmd. Please edit that file –>
A Toccata is a musical piece with fre-flowing harmonies. toccatr is a collection of tools for importing data from Harmony high content imaging software, as well as simple data manipulation and visualisation tools
The main toccatr functions:
- import PlateResults.txt files from multiple subfolders;
- make plate layout maps, and heatmaps of data in 96 well format; and
- reshape the data suitable for graphing in Graphpad Prism.
toccatr is not on CRAN. To install the latest version use:
A full lit of functions is found below:
Importing and exporting data
* harmread_pl()
Read multiple plate results files into one
* harmread_ob()
Read multiple object results files
* clipfromxl()
Copy data from clipboard (Excel) to R
* clip2xl()
Copy data from R dataframe to clipboard for pasting to
* clip2csv()
Copy data from R dataframe to csv format
* prismy_col()
Reformat data for Prism column tables
Data frame tools
* jiggle()
Move all text columns to the left of the dataframe
* coslectr()
Interactively select columns - useful for large data
* repspace()
Replace underscore with space
* repunderscore()
Replace space with underscore
* rescale_z()
Z-score a variable
* well2row()
Creates numeric row and column references from Well
* squish()
Limit upper and lower values of variable
* %nin%()
Select items Not in a list
* u()
List unique items in a variable in df dataframe
* loggy()
Log transform all numeric variables
* platemap()
96 well plate layouts by compound or treatment
* hotplate()
Heatmap of data by plate position
* barchartr()
Quick barcharts with mean and SD
* majsty()
Interactive Scatter plots, drag to highlight points
* ploxy()
Interactive scatter plots with annotation and zoom
* ploxytime()
Interactive scatter plots with animation
* theme_js()
James ggplot theme
* theme_tt()
Clean ggplot theme
* theme_ttf()
Clean ggplot theme for faceted data
* tubemap()
List of colours based on London Tube map
Toccatr is very much a work in progress, suggestions and contributions welcome.