< ~git >
you have reached a view.
here is a controller
self := Noun{
Name: "Kenneth E N de Faria Santana Sabalo",
Quote: "There was a time when man would break back over symphonies and conciertos; now him push buttons, make houses, and technos",
Year: 1995,
Schools: {
"St. John's University [BS, Physics] (2019 - Jamaica, New York)",
"Thomas A. Edison High School [Diploma, International Baccalaureate] (2013 - Alexandria, Virginia)",
"Claremont High School [GCSEs/BTEC] (2011 - London, England)",
Resides: "Luanda, Angola",
Hometown: "London, England",
Publications: {
"A Study of PbS Nanoparticle Synthesis from Sulfur Powder (AIMS Press) (2017)",
"Photocurrent Enhancement by Introducing Gold Nanoparticles in Nanostructure-based Heterojunction Solar Cell Device (Materials Research Society) (2017)",
*This code was written for readability and should not be passed to a go
here are some models
type (
Noun struct {
Quote string
Year uint11
Schools []string
Resides string
Hometown string
Publications string
Verb interface{}
*This code was written for readability and should not be passed to a go