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GOAC is a tool tailored to optimize the build process for binaries and Docker images in monorepo setups through caching.


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Go Affected Cache (GOAC)

πŸ“– About

Go Affected Cache (GOAC) is a tool tailored to optimize the build process for binaries and Docker images in monorepo setups through caching.

It generates and caches a hash based on the list of dependencies and files imported by each project within the monorepo. This functionality prevents unnecessary builds by detecting changes accurately, thus conserving time and resources.

Originally developed to address specific needs in my own project's architecture, GOAC might not directly align with every user's project structure and requirements, making its utility somewhat experimental.

🌟 Features

Monorepo Efficiency: Specifically designed for monorepos, ensuring efficient handling of multiple interconnected projects.
Intelligent Change Detection: Utilizes hashes of dependencies and files to determine the necessity of builds.
Docker Integration: Optimizes Docker image creation by avoiding unnecessary builds and pushes, preventing redundant deployments.

πŸ›  Installation

Follow these steps to install GOAC in your environment. Adjust as necessary for your specific setup.

go install

βš™οΈ Configuration

Configuring GOAC is straightforward. You need to create a .goacproject.yaml file and place it at the root of each project/directory that requires a build.

File example:

# .goacproject.yaml

version: 1.0      # Please do not modify this value; keep it set to 1.0
name: goac        # Specify the name of your project, service, or application here
target:           # GOAC currently supports two targets: 'build' and 'build-image'
  build:          # This target compiles the Go binary
      cmd: go     # The command to execute for compilation; 'go' in this case
      params:     # Parameters to be added; the final command will be: go build -ldflags="-s -w" -o ./goac goac
        - build
        - -ldflags=-s -w
        - -o
        - "{{project-path}}/{{project-name}}"
        - "{{project-path}}"
  build-image:    # This target builds the Docker image
      - key: PROJECT_PATH
        value: "{{project-path}}"
      cmd: ./_scripts/ # Shell script to execute for building the image

To see what the script that builds the image of this project looks like, take a look at this example:


The configuration file interprets variables that will automatically be replaced by their values at runtime, it works for env value and params.

Variable Type Description
{{project-name}} string The name of the project
{{project-path}} string The path of the project

πŸš€ Usage

GOAC offers commands such as affected and list to manage your monorepo effectively.

⚠️ Important: To works properly, GOAC must be executed from the root directory of your project, where the go.mod file is located.

  goac [command]

Available Commands:
  affected    List affected projects
  completion  Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
  discover    List discovered projects
  help        Help about any command
  list        List projects
  version     Get goac version

  -h, --help   help for goac

Checking / Building Affected Projects

List projects affected by recent changes based on GOAC cache.

  goac affected [flags]

goac affected -t build

      --binarycheck       Affected if binary is missing
  -c, --concurrency int   Max Concurrency (default 4)
      --debug string      Display some data to debug
      --dockerignore      Read docker ignore (default true)
      --dryrun            Dry & run
  -f, --force             Force build
  -h, --help              help for affected
  -p, --projects string   Filter by projects name
      --stdout            Print stdout of exec command
  -t, --target string     Target

Debug Options

--debug [types]: Controls the verbosity of command output, useful for debugging.
                 Available types: name,includes,excludes,local,dependencies


goac affected -t build # build binary of affected project
goac affected -t build -p auth,user # build binaries for auth and user service
goac affected -t build --force # build all binaries without checking affected projects
goac affected -t build --debug=name,hashed -p docs # build project docs with debug to display project name and hashed files

Listing Projects

List all projects configured in your monorepo based on the .goacproject.yaml:

Use it to list all your projects configured with GOAC.

  goac list [flags]

goac list

  -c, --concurrency int   Max Concurrency (default 4)
  -h, --help              help for list
  -p, --projects string   Filter by projects name


goac list
goac list -p goac

Discover Projects

GOAC can explore your repository to identify potential projects and automatically generate a default .goacproject.yaml configuration file per project.

Use it to discovering projects and create default config files.

  goac discover [flags]

goac discover

  -c, --create   Create project config files
  -f, --force    Force creation file if already exist
  -h, --help     help for discover


goac discover
goac discover -c

Automatic Project Naming and Configuration

GOAC automatically generates a project name in each configuration file based on the directory path. Additionally, the default configuration executes the script for the build-image target. Please note that this script is not created by default in your repository. You will need to either modify the configuration or create your own script.

πŸ“˜ Note

The .dockerignore and its interpretation are crucial for GOAC. It allows excluding all unused files, especially those likely to be generated and impact the cache, thereby potentially affecting the project indefinitely. Make sure to exclude files that are not necessary, such as the .git, .idea, .vscode, etc.

For reference, see this .dockerignore

πŸ‘¨β€πŸ’» Contribution

Contributions are welcome! If you'd like to contribute, please follow these steps:

Fork the project
Create your feature branch (git checkout -b feature/AmazingFeature)
Commit your changes (git commit -m 'Add some AmazingFeature')
Push to the branch (git push origin feature/AmazingFeature)
Open a Pull Request

πŸ“ Authors

πŸ“„ License

Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE for more information.


GOAC is a tool tailored to optimize the build process for binaries and Docker images in monorepo setups through caching.






