A collection of Notebooks to analyse scATAC-seq data.
This is a collection of Notebooks made to analyse scATAC-seq data. They are based on the vignettes from different R-algorithms: Signac, Seurat, Cicero and Monocle3.
- Pre-analysis: quality checks, filters, dimensional reduction and gene activity quantification.
- Data Integration: add scRNA-seq information and compute co-embedding.
- Coaccessibility: scores co-accessibility between peaks to predict cis-regulatory interactions, such as those between promoters and enhancers. 2.1 Trajectories: tries to infer trajectories using chromatin accessibility to compute pseudotime.
- Differentially Accessible Peaks: differences between chromatin accessibility in groups or clusters of cells.
- Motif Analysis: overrepresented motifs in a cluster of cells in comparison to another cluster of cells. Computes motif activities using ChromVAR.
- Transcription Factor Footprints: finds TF footprints. Similarly to nucleosomes, bound TFs hinder cleavage of DNA, resulting in defined regions of decreased signal strength within larger regions of high signal-known as footprints, Bentsen et. al, 2020.
Install the environment and follow the Notebooks.
Anaconda. If you haven't installed Anaconda yet, you can follow the next tutorial: Anaconda Installation.
- Clone the repo
git clone https://github.com/loremendez/Gemstones.git
- Install the environment
- Create and activate the environment
conda create -n atac_env r-base=4.0.2 conda activate atac_env
- Install Signac, genome assembly and gene annotation packages following the instructions on the website.
- Install additional packages in R console. Important: do not update any packages.
if (!requireNamespace("remotes", quietly = TRUE)) {install.packages("remotes")} remotes::install_github('satijalab/seurat-wrappers') remotes::install_github("mojaveazure/seurat-disk") BiocManager::install(c("motifmatchr", "TFBSTools", "JASPAR2020", "chromVAR"))
- Install Monocle3 following the instructions or:
conda install -c bioconda r-monocle3
- Install Cicero in R console.
remotes::install_github("cole-trapnell-lab/cicero-release", ref = "monocle3")
- Install jupyter-lab.
conda install jupyterlab
- Create a Kernel from R console (optional).
sh install.packages('IRkernel') IRkernel::installspec(name='atac_seq', displayname='atac_seq')
- Create and activate the environment
Activate the environment, open Jupyter-lab and the notebooks in order.
[1] Signac. Seurat Cicero Monocle3
Lorena Mendez - LinkedIn - lorena.mendez@tum.de
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