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Visualize latent variables obtained with latent Dirichlet methods (topic models)


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Visualizations for topic models.


pip3 install toplot

Getting started

Topic modelling is a Bayesian endevour. After training your topic model with K components, you've inferred the distribution over two latent variables:

  • The posterior over the weights (i.e., the topics) of the model W W = [ w w 1 , , w w K ] T . We assume that the weights have a two-level structure: each weight is composed of categorical variables (or actually, multinomials), each consisting of a set of categories.
  • Per training example i , the posterior over the hidden units h h ( i ) (topic loadings, also denoted as θ θ i in LDA).

Visualizing weights (the topic/cluster, w w or ϕ ϕ )

Toplot expects your topic model's posterior samples to be organized in specific ways. As an example, we draw 1000 samples from "fake" topic weights W W containing two categories, body mass index (BMI) and sex, consisting of three and two categories each, respectively.

import pandas as pd
from numpy.random import dirichlet

# Draw 1000 samples from "posterior" distribution.
weight_bmi = dirichlet([16.0, 32.0, 32.0], size=1_000)
weight_sex = dirichlet([8.1, 4.1], size=1_000)
weight = pd.concat(
        "BMI": pd.DataFrame(
            weight_bmi, columns=["Underweight", "Healthy Weight", "Overweight"]
        "sex": pd.DataFrame(weight_sex, columns=["Male", "Female"]),

Use bar_plot to visualize the topic weight, including the 95% quantile range:

Visualization of topic weights with bar_plot.

from toplot import bar_plot


If you have many multinomials, you can use bar_plot_stacked to reduce the width of the plot. This plot folds the categories (e.g., "Underweight", "Healthy Weight", and "Overweight") belonging to the same multinomial (BMI) into a single bar.

Visualization of topic weights with bar_plot_stacked.

from toplot import bar_plot_stacked


To visualize more than one topic at a time, you can make a scattermap with scattermap.

Visualizing hidden units (topic proportions, h h or θ θ )

Next, we plot the hidden units/topic identities [ h h ( 1 ) , , h h ( m ) ] T : that is, for each record i , the proportion over the components/topics. Let's generate the (average) proportion for m = 30 records to visualize:

hidden = pd.DataFrame(
    dirichlet([0.6, 0.8, 0.2], size=30),  # 30 records
    columns=["Topic_1", "Topic_2", "Topic_3"],

The function plot_cohort computes the distance between all examples (the cohort) and, by default, sorts them accordingly using the travelling salesman problem. Currently, no uncertainty visualization is supported for plot_cohort (like in bar_plot), so you need to pass the posterior average. Visualization of hidden units, or topic identities, with plot_cohort

from toplot import plot_cohort


You can emphasize the periodicity inherent in the travelling salesman solution by visualizing all the examples using a polar plot:

Visualization of hidden units, or topic identities, emphasizing the periodicity with plot_polar_cohort

from toplot import plot_polar_cohort



Visualize latent variables obtained with latent Dirichlet methods (topic models)







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