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Physical Data Partitioning

Analyze Alice of Data rather than Whole Data

Author: Mahmoud Parsian
Last revised date: July 26, 2022

"... This book will be a great resource for
both readers looking to implement existing
algorithms in a scalable fashion and readers
who are developing new, custom algorithms
using Spark. ..."

Dr. Matei Zaharia
Original Creator of Apache Spark

FOREWORD by Dr. Matei Zaharia

Physical Data Partitioning Example


What is Physical Partitioning

Physical Partitioning is a technique, which partitions data (expressed as a Spark DataFrame) based on one or more columns. These columns are called partitioned columns, which will appear in your SQL queries WHERE clause. The main goal of partitioning data is to analyze (by using SQL with WHERE clause) slice of a data rather than the whole data.

By partitioning your data, you can restrict the amount of data scanned by each SQL query, thus improving performance and reducing cost. You can partition your data by any key (can be one or more columns of your data expressed as a DataFrame). A common practice is to partition the data based on time, often leading to a multi-level partitioning scheme. For example, a customer who has data coming in every hour might decide to partition by year, month, date, and hour. Another customer, who has data coming from many different sources but that is loaded only once per day, might partition by a data source identifier and date.

To understand Physical Data Partitioning, I am going to provide another simple example: let's say that your data (world temperature data) has the following format:


Example of some data records are provided:


It is very easy to create a Spark DataFrame from this data and then partition it by (continent), (continent, country), or (continent, country, city). For example if our intention is to have a WHERE clause to include continent and country, then we can partition our data by two columns: (continent, country).

For example, Amazon Athena uses Apache Hive style partitions, whose data paths contain key value pairs connected by equal signs. Some examples are provided:


For example, sample SQL query will be:

SELECT avg(temperature) 
	FROM <table-name-defined-by-you>
		WHERE continent = 'NorthAmerica' AND
			country = 'Canada'

This SQL query will analze only one directory (rather than all directories):


Thus, the physical directory paths include both the names of the partition keys and the values that each path represents. For example, in Amazon Athena, to load new Hive partitions into a partitioned table, you can use the MSCK REPAIR TABLE command, which works only with Hive-style partitions. Amazon Athena can also use non-Hive style partitioning schemes. For details, visit Amazon Athena Users Guide.

Amazon Athena, Google BigQuery, and Snowflake use this simple data partitioning technique to analyze slice of a data rather than whole data.

Sample Input

Sample data is given here.

Our sample data has the following format:


Physical Partitioning in PySpark

PySpark make it easy to partition data by desired columns and save data in Parquet or other formats. Parquet is ideal for SQL queries since data is stored in columnar format.

To partition data by your desired column(s), we need the perform the following steps:

Step-1. Create a DataFrame (denoted by df) as n columns (where n > 0):

	DataFrame(C_1, C_2, C_3, ..., C_n)

Sample code to create your DataFrame and denote it as df:

# create an instance of a SparkSession object 
from pyspark.sql import SparkSession 
spark = SparkSession.builder.getOrCreate() 

# define your input in S3 
input_path= 's3://mybucket/INPUT/continents_countries_temp.csv’ 

# create a DataFrame from your input path 
df ="csv")\ 
	.option("inferSchema", "true")\ 

Step-2: Assume that C_i is your partitioned column name (where i in {1, 2, ..., n}

This means that your intention is to use the following in your SQL query (note that <table-name-defined-by-you> will point to the output_path defined below):

		FROM <table-name-defined-by-you>
			WHERE C_i = 'some-desired-value'

Note that the above SQL query will only analyze one partitioned data directory (listed below): this is how we analyze slice of a data rather than the whole data:


Step-3: Define the root directory (or your output path) for your partitioned data:

	output_path = "s3://<bucket-name>/<directory-name>/"

Step-4: Partition and save your DataFrame (denoted by df):

General code snippet is given below:

# define output path in S3 
output_path = "s3://<bucket-name>/<directory-name>/"

# partition by C_i and save into output path 

A complete example using our temperature data is given below (here it is assumed that we want to partition data by continent)

# define output path in S3 
output_path = "s3://mybucket/OUTPUT/continents/" 

# partition by continent and save into S3 
# NOTE: 
#     There will be a separate folder 
#     under `output_path` per continent 

For our temperature data, the created folders and data will be as (note that since I used repartition("continent") then there will be one Parquet file per continent):


Creating Table Schema

Now that we have successfully partitioned our data, it is time to create a table which points to our output path (partitioned saved data)(here we have assumed that the continent is the partitioned column):

   `country` string, 
   `city` string, 
   `temperature` integer 
   `continent` string 
LOCATION ‘s3://mybucket/OUTPUT/continents/’ 
tblproperties ("parquet.compress"="SNAPPY"); 

Loading Partitions

In Amazon Athena, to load partitons (so that the table will know what partitions are available), we need to excute the following command:

General format

MSCK REPAIR TABLE <table-name>;



The MSCK REPAIR TABLE command will load all partitions for the continents table (without executing this command, your SQL queries will return null/empty results).

MSCK = metastore consistency check

Query your data by SQL

Now, we can use SQL queries to access data pointed by our output_path and enabled by the continents table:

SELECT avg(temprature)
	FROM continents
		WHERE continent ' = 'Asia'

Partitioning enable us to analyze/scan slice of data (denoted by s3://mybucket/OUTPUT/continents/continent=Asia/...) rather than scanning the whole data: this will faster and cheaper.

Directory Listing

Filename Description This file you are reading
continents_countries_temp.csv Sample data in CSV format Partition data by a single column
partition_by_one_column_schema.sql Table schema for data partitioned by a single column Partition data by two columns
partition_by_two_columns_schema.sql Table schema for data partitioned by two columns


  1. Top 10 Performance Tuning Tips for Amazon Athena

  2. Data Algorithms with Spark, Chapter 5

  3. Partitioning on Disk with partitionBy

Data Algorithms with Spark Data Algorithms with Spark