An intuitive spreadsheet-like interface that lets users of all technical skill levels view, edit, query, and collaborate on Postgres data directly—100% open source and self hosted, with native Post…
A static site generator for data apps, dashboards, reports, and more. Observable Framework combines JavaScript on the front-end for interactive graphics with any language on the back-end for data a…
A small Python module for determining appropriate platform-specific dirs, e.g. a "user data dir".
better multiprocessing and multithreading in Python
OpenTTD is an open source simulation game based upon Transport Tycoon Deluxe
Python/Rust/React-based savegame reader for OpenTTD
Write documentation using Markdown and publish it using GOV.UK styles.
jq for binary formats - tool, language and decoders for working with binary and text formats
pg_activity is a top like application for PostgreSQL server activity monitoring.
PostgreSQL Languages AST and statements prettifier: master branch covers PG10, v2 branch covers PG12, v3 covers PG13, v4 covers PG14, v5 covers PG15, v6 covers PG16, v7 covers PG17
Rich is a Python library for rich text and beautiful formatting in the terminal.