A game editor which has as many mapmodes as the game does itself. Includes a syntax-checking text editor at no extra cost.
Compatible with:
- Crusader Kings 3 (see discussion thread on Paradox forums)
- Europa Universalis IV (EU4 discusson thread)
- Europa Universalis III (EU3 discussion thread)
Compatible with older versions of:
- Crusader Kings II (CK2)
- Hearts of Iron III (HOI3)
- Victoria II
- Europa Universalis: Rome
The editor might be compatible with the current versions of all of the above, but I own none except CK2 and Victoria II, which I do not have the expansions for. I welcome test reports for any game.
Europe map in 1444. Click for larger image
Religious map at the Thirty Years War bookmark. As in game, diagonal stripes indicate the province religion is different from the country religion.
Syntax-highlighting text editor. If a brace is unmatched, the editor will highlight the line to make it easy to find.
Menu showing all current mapmodes available when working on EU4. Other games may have different mapmodes available.
- EU3_Scenario_Editor - This is the main scenario editor project.
- eugFile - The library that makes the rest of this possible. It handles parsing and loading Paradox game files. The "eug" refers to EU2 save games, which used a .eug extension.
- EugFile_specific - Abstracts engine-specific details, mostly Clausewitz vs. Clausewitz 2 games. Also has some code for old Europa games.
- EugSyntax - A plug-and-play syntax highlighting editor kit for a javax.swing.JEditorPane.
- PositionsEditor - Editor for sprite positions on the game map. Useful for map modders only. Mostly irrelevant for newer games which include the "nudge" editor.