- 🌍 Authorized to work in USA and EU 🇮🇪
- 🦾 International team lead, fluent in English and French.
- 📧 Contact: naomi@nthmost.com
- 🌐 Fun personal website: nthmost.com
- 🌐 Serious website: naomimost.com
I'm a passionate Principal Software Engineer with strong TPM, EM, and developer relations chops, sporting over 15 years of experience in The Biz, and more than 25 years of just generally getting good at hooking stuff up to other stuff.
🖥️ I taught myself to code in BASIC on the Apple IIe when I was 10. Then I taught myself Perl, Python, and PHP, figured out how to store and query data in MySQL, and ran it all on my own Linux server with Apache2, Icecast, and Asterisk for fun and occasional profit.
My grandmother, Kay McNulty Mauchly Antonelli, taught me how to program the ENIAC -- because she co-created its programming language. Kay Mauchly is also credited with the co-invention of the Subroutine along with her husband John Mauchly, the co-inventor of the ENIAC (my grandfather).
☘️ Kay's first language was Irish (Gaeilge) ☘️. I miss her intensely, so in her memory, I've devoted myself to learning to speak Irish fluently. And since it's super challenging learning any minority language, I've been working on a PeerTube based website as a platform for minority language learners to find recordings of native speakers to learn from.
For the past decade I've been enhancing art with technology in the immersive theater world, leading project teams of 5 to 20 artists twice a year. I delight in designing and building venues where people can explore, interact, discover, and co-creatae. My work often explores the intersection of data and narrative, bringing new dimensions to storytelling through interactive installations.
I want my own art to surprise me.
Most of my art doesn't store in a github repo -- I sure would save on studio and storage costs if it did! -- but here are the few that do.
- 🎹 Goonies Piano: Remember that piano in Goonies? Here's how to use the Rock Band 3 Keytar as one...
- ☎️ Elysium Bell: Imagine that when Bell split into separate companies, only one maintained the ability to communicate with the afterlife...
- 🧾 Artery Thermal: What if CVS receipts were art? What if a "90s-era AI" (Markov chains) generated "experiences" and fake coupons on those receipts? All the answers you never wanted in this repo!
- 💽 DiscoBot: A Discord Streamlit Radio player that sources from an icecast stream. Fun to pull into shared voice chat rooms for permanent yet varied "on hold" music.
Creator / Principal / Maintainer
Metapub provides abstraction around articles, MedGen concepts, ClinVar variants, MeSH tags, and more, as fetched from the National Library of Medicine. Metapub makes it easy to programmatically query the NLM, backed by a built-in cache layer allowing speed-ups of queries over time.
Contributor, Former Bug Marshal
As Streamlit's 6th full-time engineer, I optimized the Streamlit memory caching system and developed novel media-related features. I also spearheaded Streamlit's transition from Python 2/3 to full Python 3 support. I triaged bugs and managed community dialogue in GitHub issues, pioneering novel processes for integrating open source contributions from outside of Streamlit.
Creator / Principal / Maintainer
Illuminate parses the metrics binaries that result from Illumina sequencer runs, and provides usable data in the form of python dictionaries and dataframes. Installed in genetic sequencing labs worldwide, including the bacterial sequencing center in the Center for Disease Control.
⭐️ From Naomi Most