- San Francisco Bay Area, CA
- 7h behind - http://onurbingol.net
- in/orbingol
- @orbingol
NURBS-Python Public
Object-oriented pure Python B-Spline and NURBS library
rw3dm Public
Rhino/OpenNURBS importer and exporter for NURBS-Python (geomdl)
geomdl-examples Public
Example scripts for the NURBS-Python (geomdl) package
geomdl-shapes Public
Generate common B-spline, NURBS and analytic geometries
NoCableLauncher Public
Forked from Maxx53/NoCableLauncherRocksmith 2014 Launcher for playing without RealTone cable (nocable fix)
C# GNU General Public License v2.0 UpdatedNov 20, 2019 -
geomdl-cli Public
Run NURBS-Python (geomdl) from the command line
rwsat Public
Extract spline geometries from 3D ACIS Modeler .SAT files
MS-DOS Public
Forked from microsoft/MS-DOSThe original sources of MS-DOS 1.25 and 2.0, for reference purposes
geomdl-experiments Public
Experiments with NURBS-Python
PointVector Public
Header-only n-dimensional Point and Vector implementations for C++11
cmake-modules Public
CMake find modules for CAD kernels, e.g. ACIS
ACIS-Python3 Public
Python 3 wrapper module for 3D ACIS Modeler
SwigUsageExample Public
Example showing use of SWIG to generate wrappers for Java, Python and C#
drush_toolkit Public
Improved user and node object outputs for Drupal and Drush
UpdatedFeb 21, 2015 -
efq_example Public
Forked from timcosgrove/efq_exampleExample module demonstrating the use of Drupal 7's EntityFieldQuery API
PHP UpdatedFeb 25, 2014 -
drupal_migration Public
Migration module example for transferring data from Drupal 6 to Drupal 7
drupal_drush-scripts Public
Drush scripts for use in Drupal multi-site installations
PHP Apache License 2.0 UpdatedOct 24, 2013