- LSM Tree similar sql and store the data on the file and push to S3
- MemTable (Red black tree)
值先寫入Wal log裡面記錄同時記錄到硬盤然後到一定數量一次給memTable
- IMemTable
- Open
- Wal
- Write the log
- SStable
open->lsm->walManager-> write log if log count > maxCount -> memtable
if memtable size > maxSize -> imemtable
if imemtable size > maxSize -> ssTable
ssTable -> write file -> LSM Tree
Use Kubernetes to deploy the environment
- EKS cluster
Use Docker to build the image for program
- Container
Use gitOPS to build the CI/CD stream
- CI: Git action
- CD: GitOPS (ArgoCD)
EC2 to push the website on domain with nginx to load balance
Helm Chart to manage the environment
Ingress control -> LB(DNS) -> Export
- deploy: k8s cluster (on ec2)
- load balance: nginx
- build: docker
- ci: git action
- cd: argo cd
- storage: aws s3 bucket
- api test: postman
- aws: localstack
- language: golang,yaml
- 程式目地: 使用這創建本地db(基於lsm tree完成),對db進行操作後可以push到雲端,使用者也可以查看雲端上的db
- why lsm: 考慮到db有可能有大量的內容,使用一般io讀寫對內存造成較大負擔,使用lsm tree的思想,先預寫log到wal中,再寫入到memtable如果memtable中的內容大小超過的話建立只讀表並且重新生成memtable
- 實現類似leveldb中的version迭代
- 完善lsm tree的壓縮功能
- 對資料表有更大的操作或存取認證