I am deeply passionate about theories and driven by my curiosity to understand people's desires and needs 🐝. My goal is to help people navigate through life using their own unique lens of experience 🤗, backed by theory and reasoning.
- I recently graduated in Data Science 🥸 from Lighthouse Labs.
- I'm currently updating my Sentiment Analysis of Medication Reviews 🔭 project.
- I'm also actively learning R, Stable Diffusion from Keras, and PowerBI ⚡ to enhance my skills.
- As a holder of a Ph.D. in Linguistics, specifically in Discourse Analysis, I am constantly fueled by curiosity 🙊.
- Feel free to ask me about 💬 the relationship between Discourse Analysis, Machine Learning, and Bias, and I would be thrilled to share my insights on the topic 🤔.
- Im also eagerly looking forward to collaborating 👯 on future NLP projects.
- Whenever I have free time, I run to the kitchen to cook 🥙 or to the balcony to play with my beautiful dog 🐶.
More stuff about me 🍁
From: 13 April 2023 - To: 21 March 2025
Total Time: 235 hrs 20 mins
Python 208 hrs 48 mins >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>--- 88.72 %
Markdown 9 hrs 40 mins >------------------------ 04.11 %
Other 5 hrs 42 mins >------------------------ 02.42 %
TOML 2 hrs 44 mins ------------------------- 01.16 %
Bash 2 hrs 9 mins ------------------------- 00.92 %
YAML 2 hrs 8 mins ------------------------- 00.91 %
Text 1 hr 12 mins ------------------------- 00.52 %
JSON 40 mins ------------------------- 00.29 %
XML 30 mins ------------------------- 00.22 %
CSV 28 mins ------------------------- 00.20 %
"[...] Yet many people only notice the solid world they have been conditioned to think of as more real...while all about them diamond glaciers creak and star-volcanoes thunder.
But what about ideas? Why do some people have better ideas than others?
Ideas grow like flowers here. Some are common ideas, found everywhere... but if you want the rarer ideas, the more exotic blossoms, you have to travel further. Artists, scientists, philosophers... they're the pioneers of these territories.
But you're saying anybody could explore this place if they wanted to?
Yes, that's why Promethea's enemies find her so threatening. It's what she represents." (by Alan Moore in Promethea (v. 5))
"Un hombre del pueblo de Neguá, en la costa de Colombia, pudo subir al alto cielo.
A la vuelta, contó. Dijo que había contemplado, desde allá arriba, la vida humana. Y dijo que somos un mar de fueguitos.
-El mundo es eso – reveló -. Un montón de gente, un mar de fueguitos.
Cada persona brilla con luz propia entre todas las demás. No hay dos fuegos iguales. Hay fuegos grandes y fuegos chicos y fuegos de todos los colores. Hay gente de fuego sereno, que ni se entera del viento, y gente de fuego loco, que llena el aire de chispas. Algunos fuegos, fuegos bobos, no alumbran ni queman; pero otros arden la vida con tantas ganas que no se puede mirarlos sin parpadear, y quien se acerca, se enciende." (by Eduardo Galeano in El mundo, published in El libro de los abrazos)
"[...] Tentando pôr em frases a minha mais oculta e sutil sensação – e desobedecendo à minha necessidade exigente de veracidade – eu diria: se pudesse ter escolhido queria ter nascido cavalo. Mas – quem sabe – talvez o cavalo ele-mesmo não sinta o grande símbolo da vida livre que nós sentimos nele. Devo então concluir que o cavalo seria sobretudo para ser sentido por mim? O cavalo representa a animalidade bela e solta do ser humano? O melhor do cavalo o ente humano já tem? Então abdico de ser um cavalo e com glória passo para a minha humanidade. O cavalo me indica o que sou." (by Clarice Lispector in Seco estudo de cavalos, published in Onde estivestes de noite)