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Mock base implementation for API.
This package provides a mock implementation of the
interface for testing and prototyping purposes of potential basis of
custom target implementations.
ALPHA - bleeding edge / work-in-progress
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ESM import:
import * as hm from "";
Browser ESM import:
<script type="module" src=""></script>
For Node.js REPL:
const hm = await import("");
Package sizes (brotli'd, pre-treeshake): ESM: 1.07 KB
Note: is in most cases a type-only import (not used at runtime)
import { HDOMNode, MockHDOM } from "";
const title = (ctx, body) => ["h1", ctx.ui.title, body];
const ctx = { ui: { title: { class: "f1 lh-headline" } } };
const opts = { ctx };
// target implementation
const impl = new MockHDOM(new HDOMNode("root", { id: "app" }));
// some trees
const tree1 = impl.normalizeTree(opts, ["", [title, "hello world"]]);
const tree2 = impl.normalizeTree(opts, ["div", [title, "hi hdom"], ["", "Lorem ipsum"]]);
// render hdom tree w/ mock implementation
impl.createTree(opts, impl.root, tree1));
// convert result DOM back to hiccup (for better clarity)
// [ 'root',
// { id: 'app' },
// [ 'div',
// { id: 'foo', class: 'bar', key: '0' },
// [ 'h1',
// { class: 'f1 lh-headline', key: '0-0' },
// [ 'span', { key: '0-0-0' }, 'hello world' ] ] ] ]
// apply diff from tree1 -> tree2
impl.diffTree(opts, impl.root, tree1, tree2);
// [ 'root',
// { id: 'app' },
// [ 'div',
// { key: '0' },
// [ 'h1',
// { class: 'f1 lh-headline', key: '0-0' },
// [ 'span', { key: '0-0-0' }, 'hi hdom' ] ],
// [ 'p',
// { class: 'red', key: '0-1' },
// [ 'span', { key: '0-1-0' }, 'Lorem ipsum' ] ] ] ]
If this project contributes to an academic publication, please cite it as:
title = "",
author = "Karsten Schmidt",
note = "",
year = 2018
© 2018 - 2025 Karsten Schmidt // Apache License 2.0