Deprecated: I'm now using NixOS. See my config repo.
Initialised simply with:
git init --bare $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/dotfiles.git
and these helpers:
alias dots='/usr/bin/git --git-dir=$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/dotfiles.git/ --work-tree=$HOME'
dots config status.showUntrackedFiles no
Clone as a bare repo into the preferred .git folder, then restore the git file tree:
git clone --bare $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/dotfiles.git
git --git-dir=$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/dotfiles.git --work-tree=$HOME reset
To restore all files into filesystem, do reset --hard
instead; to restore individual files, use checkout
Alternatively, a normal repo can be used. If $HOME
is empty:
git clone $HOME
(Specify --separate-git-dir=$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/dotfiles.git
for clarity.)
is not empty, use a temporary folder for the working tree, then move the needed files out and delete the temporary folder:
git clone --separate-git-dir=$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/dotfiles.git $HOME/dotfiles.git.tmp
cp ...
rm -rf ~/dotfiles.git.tmp/
(Subsequently use git --git-dir=$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/dotfiles.git --work-tree=$HOME
For ZSH to use the XDG config directory,
needs to containexport ZDOTDIR="$HOME"/.config/zsh